Storage Auctions

Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California

Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« on: August 26, 2013, 08:58:02 AM »
OK Gentlemen and Ladies....

The amateur hour Estate Sale has come and gone and we got very little traffic. I blew it - missing the deadline for the local newspaper, and no signs are allowed in our residential marina, so - the only people who came were from We made >$1K but - there's still tons of stuff left.

The bad news is - the house (which belonged to 90+ lady) needs to be handed back to the Landlord 9/1!

If I had time to open a thrift store - I could fill the shelves on this house alone.

Speaking of thrift stores - she was addicted to them, and many items are still tagged with Goodwill, etc. Yesterday, someone bought 2 Waterford Crystal glasses for $5  (oh well - we let that one get by - but a deal, is a deal!)

There's some good furniture left, a rack full of vintage(y) clothes, scarves, belts, purses, books, mirrors, glass top dining table, great condition quality queen size bed, washer/dryer only 2+ years old, a garage full of thrift store "treasures", vintage hats, dolls, glassware, dishes, that kind of stuff.

The folding tables (10 of them) are all mine - and not included - but I'll throw in the double clothing rack.

Unlike a storage auction - you'll get to see everything that's for sale before you bid.

Unlike a storage auction - you'll get several days to 'clear out the stuff'

Unlike a storage auction - you'll have less competition.

I'm thinking Wednesday this week. I'll find an auctioneer.

Who's interested?

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2013, 09:11:28 AM »
Yeah - I kind a knew this was a shot in the dark. I'm suppose I could go to the local auctions and discreetly pass the word about the private auction to get some bidders. I tried to find a good forum for California / San Diego storage auction buyers and no luck.

There's always DAVE HESTER...

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2013, 09:21:04 AM »
If the home needs to be vacated by 9/1. It's going to be tough to get a crowd in time and give the winning bidder time to clear out. Less than a week at this point. I'm all the way across the country, or else I'd come in and make an offer on the lot. Finding an auctioneer may be tough too. They want time to promote as well. Maybe an online auction? Travis may help you out there as well!

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2013, 09:24:49 AM »
I might be able to get a few extra days from the Landlord if I pay to play so to speak. As for auctioneer - we're not looking for that much $$ - seriously - I know people who will come and 'call the thing' and if it's only 3 or 4 buyers - so be it.

We just want to get this done.

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2013, 09:33:13 AM »
If I hadn't already committed to another business - I'd seriously consider finding a storefront somewhere and setting up a thrift store - and becoming that person who 'offers' cash to buy-out the contents at the end of estate sales in high-end neighborhoods.

Why wouldn't they take my money - it was all going to the Goodwill - if I hadn't shown up.

Offline dbr831

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Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2013, 09:36:45 AM »
I would be totally in if it wasn't an 8 hour drive for me. Maybe call any auction houses in your area and see if their auctioneer wants to do it. I've seen the auctioneers near me throw together an estate auction really quickly and you end up with an empty house in a matter of hours. Love those! Wish you were closer.

Offline dbr831

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Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2013, 09:42:15 AM »
Actually 8 hours isn't really that any pics? Just how big is this house? How much ton-age are we talking about?

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2013, 10:26:45 AM »

I don't have any good pics of the inside (furniture & stuff).

But this shows everything that was out in the backyard and in the garage (some of the stuff was sold obviously - but 85% is still there)

House is ~1500 square feet.

*folding tables & easy-up not included

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2013, 10:34:18 AM »
Just because you missed one newspaper ad deadline doesn't mean you would miss the next least you seem to know what the deadline is. Why not a second go around? Is there a HURRY to get this done?

Yuuup! Landlord coming from Montana on the 1st of September. She might be cool with a few extra days for cleanup - but not an estate sale happening this weekend.

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2013, 11:10:31 AM »
This is the place where I could cruise for potential bidders.

Or, maybe I'll just ask the company what their deal is....

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2013, 02:12:42 PM »
Little bit of a drive for me also (6 hours) and with my schedule this week I have no time. :(
I would definitely try and give this place a call. I have one here on the Central Coast that will come and pack everything up to take back to the barn. They auction estate stuff once a month and sometimes twice if they get enough. You never know what prices are going to be but hey something is better than nothing.
Good luck.

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2013, 05:49:43 PM »
Thanks everybody. I appreciate your help. Newbies aren't usually treated so well - especially when we're just looking for that one-time answer. You are a classy group!

I went ahead and called Mission Hills Auction and the guy they sent out - I KNOW HIM - (Bill)---  small world!!  :-\

Anyhow - he was straight with me, told me to expect total sales between $800 - $2000 and we split 50%/50%  - so that's ~400 minimum and I'm pretty sure it'll go higher than that.


They do sales every Tuesday. They are coming with 2 trucks and a trailer on Thursday this week to box everything up. I have to find alternatives for the stained couches, the clothes, and the books.

I'll probably go to the sale tomorrow and see what other people's stuff sells for.

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2013, 06:01:04 PM »
---On another related topic ---  If I was in your business, I'd seriously consider going to estate sales and offering my DISCOUNTED clean-up services on places I liked with a lot of stuff. I could state up front what I won't take, make a low-ball offer. If they don't feel like giving it all to Goodwill - they might say yes.

Might be a cheaper way to fill shelves- if I had shelves to fill.

Just 'sayin...

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2013, 06:37:24 AM »
Oh yes! There are people in my neck of the woods that charge the owners to clean up their yard/estate sales after completion. Many times these leftovers end up on Craigslist for free.. So I go in, hand them my card and say "Pack it up and call me when you're done. I'll swing by and load up. No weirdos outside your home, no charge!" It's a great way to get smalls.. Shelf fillers.

Re: Private Auction on Whole House Contents - Coronado California
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2013, 12:40:01 AM »
I remember in the old days when my grandfather would go to a yard sale around 1 or 2 and offer $100 for everything they had left. I always surprised me how many people would take the offer. It was hot and they just wanted to get rid of everything. Sunday morning he would go to the swap meet and turn a very good profit. That man could sell ice to Eskimos for a great profit.
I have yet to buy an estate though I have been offered the chance a couple of times. The stuff was not very good in either so I declined. Someday one will come along I will have to have.

Anyone else buy an abandoned house contents ?

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