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Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently

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Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« on: June 24, 2011, 11:12:14 AM »
I've been absent from the boards for a little while, took a vacation and been busy with some other things.

Not sure why but I always google "storageauctionforums"  and this site used to pop up first every time. Not sure why I do that instead of just typing it into the address bar I suppose out of habit. ANyhow, I noticed your now the 6th or 7th thing down and I have to scroll down.

Storagrauctionboards is first, then auction zip then a storageautin ebook self storage auction talk and then a storage auction disccussion on topix.

Just figured I'd let you know

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Re: Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 12:08:35 PM »

Not sure why but I always google "storageauctionforums"  and this site used to pop up first every time. Not sure why I do that instead of just typing it into the address bar I suppose out of habit. ANyhow, I noticed your now the 6th or 7th thing down and I have to scroll down.

Storagrauctionboards is first, then auction zip then a storageautin ebook self storage auction talk and then a storage auction disccussion on topix.

Just figured I'd let you know

I just googled storageauctionforums and the results came up like this:

This forum came up #1, something else #2 and storage auction boards #3.

If any reader hasn't checked out the one that comes up #3, you should do so. YOU WILL FLEE QUICKLY and find your way back here where there is actually something to read. That #3 spot is DEAD. That site must have VERY LOW RATINGS. (of course this is just my opinion; other people will have their own opinions, all of which have value).

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Re: Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2011, 08:00:30 PM »
I am sure it flip flops here and there I don't really track it at all lol matter fact I haven't googled it in months till just now where it was #1. I haven't really done any seo for this site. I would like it to come in higher on google for some other storage auction related keywords.

Re: Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2011, 02:01:12 PM »
I just did a Google Search myself, and this forum was the first hit and the storageauctionboards was the second.

I did notice one thing though.  The fifth hit down was  If you go to that site, you get a link "To visit one of the top storage auction forums on the net".   I have to disagree with that quote because it takes you to  Go figure, they are trying to use the .net version of your domain to sneak some members.

Sometimes web developers do not pay attention to when a domain is up for renewal and they loose it.  You might want to check out every once in a while to see if they lost it, that way you can snatch it up real quick.

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Re: Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2011, 02:21:55 PM »,050 posts)  > posts)

Re: Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2011, 04:12:56 PM »,050 posts)  > posts)


This board is much more active!

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Re: Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2011, 10:04:04 AM »
Yeah, the results can flip flop a bit but it is normally in number 1 position because it it such a specific search. What I don't understand is why the forum is ranking higher under the Holy Grail of keywords "Storage Auctions". This forum has the most storage auction related content of any other website on the internet. It should be ranked a lot higher. I think the forum just needs some high quality back links.

The forum just got a PR9 listing in the Open Directory Project which should increase it's search results in almost every storage auction related keyword across the board. Not only that, a listing with the ODP causes hundreds of clone directories to copy the listing and add a back link to the Forum. For those of you who are unfamiliar with (ODP) it is the Holy Grail of back links. It's the equivalent of having Google themselves personally recommend your website.

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Re: Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2011, 11:10:36 AM »
I recently heard something from my sister who works in online media. I never knew this but she said google searches come up completely differently depending on who is doing a search.

Obviosly we all knwo google, facebook, etc monitor you, gather info on you, etc but you would think a search for say storage auctions should bring in the same results if you or I search it. This apparently is not true thoguh.

Say TC did a search, I did a search and Drew did a search all for the same term typed in the same way. We will all get different results depending upon our past online and search behavior.

Just thoguht taht may be something of interest to anyone running a site or blog or anything.

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Re: Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2011, 01:46:04 PM »
It's possible to see different results especially in Google because of it's algorithms. Yahoo is more consistent.

Lets say someone in the Houston area searches for "storage auctions" on Google. My website Houston Storage Auctions appears high in the search results because because it is highly relevant to people performing a search in that geographic area. If someone in Atlanta searched for the same keyword, they might see Drew's site in the top search results.

However, if someone in Oklahoma searched for "Storage Auctions" they would never see our sites because it's too general of a search term and because neither of us have thousands of back links like, or

The pay per click ads will appear different as well because advertisers target certain geographic areas. Example: My ads are only shown in the Dallas / Fort Worth & Houston areas because it wouldn't make sense for someone in Alaska to see my ad.

Google also tracks every website you visit unless you select private browsing on your browser. If you have been to a site before, Google may highlight that site and move it higher in the search results because it is predicting that the site may be what you are looking for since you clicked on it in the past.

Another thing to consider is that things are constantly changing in Google. My Houston site is usually #1 in the organic search results on Google and always on Yahoo & Bing. It may fluctuate my site from #1 to #4 a couple times each day. This is because other people's websites are constantly changing and being upgraded and downgraded with Google algorithm.

For example: an auctioneer can post a new auction for the Houston area on Even though I have hundreds of incoming links and my site is the most relevant on that one keyword, trumps my site in the results because it has a higher PR rank and tens of thousands of incoming links.

This is why does so well. Even though they offer minimal content and their site looks like a 5 year old built it, they consistently rank #1 because they have been around forever and people have been linking to them for years. Not only that, they have links from hundreds of storage facilities from across California. The age of the domain is very important.

Another thing that can effect search results is how often a site is updated. If a site is updated daily, it will be crawled more often. The forum is constantly changing every hour so the search engines probably crawl it twice per day if not more. This can explain the shift you are seeing.


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Re: Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2011, 09:00:22 PM »
  When I let My domain go due to My heart problem's  last year , ( if/when We get back into renting tents to the public , I will just create a new one ) one of those Domain Vultures grabbed it and offered it back to Me for $ 1495 .00   :o

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Re: Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2011, 09:23:25 PM »
Let him sit on it for 6 months, then offer him $80, he'll jump on it.

The only domain worth $1495 is one like or (which would probably be worth more.)

How many hits per month were you getting to the site?

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Re: Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2011, 10:13:16 PM »
  Mine was   had it since 2003 ,  but with just the three of us and a P/T helper or two when I needed them .                                                                  I didn't go crazy advertising on Craig's etc. , like in previous years .                           I just have to take it easy with my " ticker " for now .
  Just rent out now to friends , Auctioneers 20 X 20 & 30 X 60 ( there runners set up/down , Wife collects check   >:(  , Rod and gun Clubs , ( they help set them up/down ) etc. 
  Just picked up 2 @  20 X 30's that were at a Aggi High School for three weeks for there summer camp , We just loaded and unloaded the trailer at our locker , they did they rest , and the check should be here wed.  ;D
  My next booked rental is a small fair in Sept. with 6 to 8 tents and they have prisoners set them up . We just direct them .   ;D LOL

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Re: Drew, your losing google page ranke as of recently
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2011, 10:54:45 PM »
I don't think I'll be attending that fair.

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