Wow, bold talk from a one poster ! (in order for this forum to survive ....). Doing fine for me 1 hour after your post and has been reliable, 99.9% consistently good for the last year.
You certainly are welcome to pursue the two or three other sites that deal with the same subject matter, but I think any of us who have "visited" them will tell you they amount to nothing compared to this one.
Let us know how you fare.
Gotta love guys that think just cause he has alot of posts THEIR chest sticks out further then others and to top it off push someone to another site when all they do is chime in on the problem that is occurring....AMAZING
Let me give ya some advice there Movie.......1700 post makes you nothing but a guy on the net that has 1700 posts......You dont get 10% off for it or your own parking spot with a sign that says 1700 on so please get off the HIGH HORSE here ok ??
Now back to the issue ok ?? I have quite abit of knowledge on servers and websites as I have run my own so if the owner of the site wants to get up with me I may be able to help...Yeah even with members like Movie here.....LOL
Oh and thats post # 2 Movie so ya dont have to count I did it for ya. I can be a smartass just like you and guess what

I only have 2 posts.....FREAKING AMAZING HUH