Storage Auctions

Austin, Tx area old wood furniture

Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« on: May 20, 2013, 08:47:16 AM »
I am interested in the broken old stuff that nobody wants, so that I can fix it up and restore or re-purpose it. Solid wood only, no particle board, and no glass (ie. no mirrors or glass table tops). I am fine with broken drawers, cracked tops, busted or missing knobs, pulls, or handle. The older the better. It can be pretty rickety. Let's work together, and you will get to know what I can or cannot use pretty quickly. I will make it worth your while either with cash, or reduced dump fees, or reduced space in your trailer and storage unit.

Am I allowed to post a phone number on here? My email is jpaulirwin at gmail if you want to email me.



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Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2013, 10:36:17 AM »
We get plenty of readers from Austin every month.

Most storage auction buyers would love to make a contact like this. 

Paul, you can also post an ad under the vendor's category on's blog.

Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2013, 03:56:39 PM »
I have no problem if someone wants to offer up an opinion trying to be helpful. While the verbage could be taken the wrong way, I certainly don't feel as though anyone was trying to be a butt, or rude, or anything else. Maybe I am just an optimistic kind of guy, but at any rate, I appreciate both of you giving me feedback.

As for the post, well it so far has been worth every penny I paid for it, and should something come of it then I call that a great investment!  :)

I am looking forward to making additional contacts and providing an outlet for people who don't want to deal with what I do want to deal with. I enjoy fixing things, and the nice things about furniture is you can make your own parts!


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Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2013, 03:54:37 PM »

We're only 60 miles away from each other and I'm in Austin from time to time. I come across nice solid wood furniture that needs repair all the time. I don't have time to repair/refinish furniture, so the next time I come across some that needs work I'll send you a private message.

While the verbage could be taken the wrong way, I certainly don't feel as though anyone was trying to be a butt, or rude, or anything else. Maybe I am just an optimistic kind of guy, but at any rate, I appreciate both of you giving me feedback.

Spend more time on the forum and it will all make sense.  ;)

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Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2013, 07:59:49 PM »
This forum receives over 80K viewers every month. Austin is the 13th largest city in the United States. I think it's safe to say that 500-1000 people from Austin view this site every month. I think most storage auction buyers would like to have a contact that buys damaged furniture. Even if only 5% of them were interested (even though I think the number is much higher), that's still 50 people a month...and his post will live on forever.

Now Paul, it just so happens that I bought a unit this evening that contains some of the nicest furniture money can buy. Two of the pieces are damaged. It's a 7 piece bedroom set. If you're interested, let me know and I post some photos tomorrow.

Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2013, 07:44:13 AM »
I am definitely interested. Please post photos and I can comment on my interest, why I am interested, or not, and people can begin to see what I am looking for and if they should do business with me.


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Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2013, 08:48:06 AM »
Okay, I'm heading out there this afternoon and I should have them posted by this evening.

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Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2013, 05:40:00 PM »
Alright, here are the photos. The headboard wasn't in the unit, only the foot board, but perhaps you can do something creative with it. If you're interested, just make me an offer. Sorry about the photos, I must not have sized them correctly. The image slide is at the bottom of all the photos. It's a 2 piece armoire, dresser, 2 night stands and footboard.

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Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2013, 05:49:06 PM »
Alright, here are the photos. The headboard wasn't in the unit, only the foot board, but perhaps you can do something creative with it. If you're interested, just make me an offer. Sorry about the photos, I must not have sized them correctly. It's a 2 piece armoire, dresser, 2 night stands and footboard.

The truly sad thing is, that would be a STELLAR unit in my area!  :'( :'( :'(

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Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2013, 06:20:43 PM »
Don't cry, wait until I tell that what you see isn't even half of what was in that unit.  ???

And if you knew what I paid for it all you would be hitting your head against the wall.

Let's put it this way, I'm always calm and cool at the poker face. I got such a good deal on this unit, when the auctioneer said sold I yelled...Wheeeew! I'm sure everyone thought I was an idiot, but oh well, I'm not there to make friends.  ;D

Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2013, 09:47:01 PM »
While far from the "nicest furniture money can buy" (you were being sarcastic right?I didn't get that the first time I read it...I can be slow sometimes) this is something I can work with. Now, the 120 mile round trip might make this less likely to work out, but just to give people an idea, I would give $40 for the wood since it is in need of extensive repair and some of it simply cannot be repaired. I can paint and repair the footboard and dresser, probably get $150 for the two, and let's say $200 with the end tables. It just takes a few hours labor, some sanding and paint, and the reselling it.

One of the problems with this is the heavy decoration in the wood makes it very time consuming to sand. I pay more for smoother wood surfaces, and antiques, especially shaker style. Beggars can't be choosers though, and I will take what I can get to start a network for this stuff.

The problem here is the 120 mile round trip eats up $40 worth of gas, and therefore profits. If you are coming down to Austin, maybe you can stop off at the shop in Cedar Park and I will give you $50 for it all. Of course, that is $50 and you don't have to dump your winning! Or, I can make the trip to get it and you just give it to me so that you don't have to dump it. Unless you are a heck of a salesman and have another outlet...that could be a really good deal for you no?

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Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2013, 10:03:27 PM »
It looked a lot nicer packed in the unit. You can only imagine my disappointment finding out that every piece in the set had issues. Luckily, I'll still make a decent profit on the unit.

I have someone here locally that offered me $550 for everything so I think I'm going to take his offer. I appreciate you taking the time to look at it though.

Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2013, 07:51:02 AM »
Yeah, in my mind that is a no brainer if you can get $550 for that set. I am just a noobie and I obviously have no clue what some of the stuff in this world goes for. I guess that is why I think the lockers are going for so much more than they should. Apparently they are just right, I just don't know how much things can sell for.

Oh well, it has been fun learning so far. I think I am going to stick to selling Life Insurance and the various things I know about. I don't feel like chasing the dream anymore. I was just another auction wanna be, and now I am an auction don't wanna be. You guys have fun and may the nice guys out there make all the money!

Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2013, 09:26:19 AM »
ok ,let me get this straight, you've got a straight up $550 offer at your place.... the guy offers $50.00 if you deliver,makes all types of explanations as to what it will take to "refurbish", nitpicks the product,fails to see value,realizes that doing this type of work ain't like TV,then quits his 1 week career in the auction business to go back to selling insurance?... don't insurance guys portray themselves as long term planners,showing benefits of doing business with them because of their great stability and commitment to do the best job possible for their potential clients?.. I think I'll submit a new rule to Jethro Gibbs to be placed right next to his "lawyers" rule..."never involve insurance salesmen"

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Re: Austin, Tx area old wood furniture
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2013, 12:57:57 PM »
Yeah, in my mind that is a no brainer if you can get $550 for that set. I am just a noobie and I obviously have no clue what some of the stuff in this world goes for. I guess that is why I think the lockers are going for so much more than they should. Apparently they are just right, I just don't know how much things can sell for.

Oh well, it has been fun learning so far. I think I am going to stick to selling Life Insurance and the various things I know about. I don't feel like chasing the dream anymore. I was just another auction wanna be, and now I am an auction don't wanna be. You guys have fun and may the nice guys out there make all the money!

Pricing used furniture can be tricky. To give you an example, I just sold a set of end tables similar to these for $500. Given, they were in much nicer condition. I also sold another set that was almost identical (different finish) but had a queen bed, it was also in rough condition but didn't have broken trim....I sold that set for $1100.

It takes time to learn what used merchandise resells for. If I were you, I wouldn't give up on storage auctions yet. It can be a lucrative part time business. Buy and sell a few more lockers before you make any decisions.

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