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Coin help?

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Coin help?
« on: February 23, 2012, 08:03:30 PM »
Any coin people here?
Got a bag, weighs about 50lbs, of mixed coins. Since I'm not in need of fast cash I decided to just slowly sort thru as time permits. First sort to pennies, nickles.....then by year.

Anyone know a website that is reliable on price? Or price guide book coin people favor as scripture?
Searching around I've found such wide opinions on value. One site says this 1909 penny, top price,  is 0.3, the other $1, another $7.50.....
Every site says they are the best, their book is most accurate....,

Anyway, already have found a few okay ones. Two silver quarters and a nickel. Bunch of pennies in the 25-50cent range. Figure condition and the hit by selling to dealer isn't gonna make me rich but if I can get even a penny more than face value.....not like the game needs my full attention, might as well be sorting.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Coin help?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2012, 09:17:06 PM »
If I remember correctly...craigslstauction (sp?) is a coin guy.

Do a search for "coins" and he should pop up in some listed threads.

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Re: Coin help?
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2012, 07:11:21 AM »
Any coin people here?
Got a bag, weighs about 50lbs, of mixed coins. Since I'm not in need of fast cash I decided to just slowly sort thru as time permits. First sort to pennies, nickles.....then by year.

Anyone know a website that is reliable on price? Or price guide book coin people favor as scripture?
Searching around I've found such wide opinions on value. One site says this 1909 penny, top price,  is 0.3, the other $1, another $7.50.....
Every site says they are the best, their book is most accurate....,

Anyway, already have found a few okay ones. Two silver quarters and a nickel. Bunch of pennies in the 25-50cent range. Figure condition and the hit by selling to dealer isn't gonna make me rich but if I can get even a penny more than face value.....not like the game needs my full attention, might as well be sorting.

As for as finding the silver "melt" value of coins and which US coins have silver & percent silver I use the website "". It keeps up to date with the current metals market and updates the melt value of all silver coins. As far as coins with numismatic value, to know for sure what the value of the coin is you need to buy an ANA numismatic grading book and try to grade the coins yourself and get the best current price range from the internet. Try to remember since you are not a coin dealer yourself, anything you try to sell to a coin dealer you are going to only get like 50% to maybe 75% of the current graded value.

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Re: Coin help?
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2012, 03:09:00 PM »
Are the coins all US or are there mixed foreign coins?

Most US coins prior to 1964 are silver, I think up to '66 or '67 is like 40% silver. For nickels look for war nickels I think it was 41-43 i may be off by a year or two. i believe there were a few years of steel nickels and steel pennies during the war.

coins are wierd some older stuff you'd expect to be worth a bunch is worth like a nickel and other stuff you wouldn't expect is worth hundreds.

as for the 1909 if its a VDB i believe its called its probably worth at least a grand i think that's the initials of the guy who designed the penny or something like that.

alot of older foreign coins are silver content i think canadian and swiss up to 68 maybe even 70.

youd be surprised how much info you can find just googling a few words on the coin but another good resource is a website called

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Re: Coin help?
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2012, 05:04:14 PM »
I've searched the sh*t out of them.
Looking for a reliable web site. So many say it's worth say $10 and you can buy them all day long for $1 on eBay....

So far I've gotten some decent more than face value. Nothing to run to a coin shop over.
Some silver. A pile of buttons. And a bottle with three percocet in it. No clue how that would end up in there.....

I'll check out realcent. Thanks.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Coin help?
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2012, 05:29:25 PM »

as for the 1909 if its a VDB i believe its called its probably worth at least a grand i think that's the initials of the guy who designed the penny or something like that.

...something like that....

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Re: Coin help?
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2012, 05:52:14 PM »
That's the one I have to get to a coin shop.
Not a VDB but on one of the forums everyone was telling me there are "variations" ( I assume mint errors/marks) that it needs to be looked at by profesional to be sure.

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