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Domain For Sale www.FreeStorageAuctionLists.Com

Offline rulesforrebels

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Domain For Sale www.FreeStorageAuctionLists.Com
« on: December 13, 2013, 07:32:06 PM »
Hey guys, not sure if I'll have any luck here but was going to try to sell my domain I used to put a fair amount of time into it but to be honest for the past 6 months or so I just havn't had the time. I have another online ecommerce business and a few other blogs which I'm a bit more interested in at the current time. Storage auction for me are more a hobby these days moreso than a business. I thought someone else with more time might be able to do more with it than myself.

Early on I did a lot of linkbuilding and buidling backlinks. It used to have a very strong following, following has dropped off a bit since I havn't been posting as much. I post storage auctions as well as have a blog section with some tips and just commenting on the industry.

It's worth about $1200 to me in completely passive income just off adsense and probably a bit more if I take ebook sales into consideration as well. I know storage auctions aren't as hot as they used to be and are on a bit of a downturn. To someone who already has storage auction listing sites this could be of some value to you.

I'd like to get $1200 or basically a year of ad revenue from it but open to offers. I've never sold or transferred a domain before so may need some assistance transferring it over to you after the sale but I've done it before so just need a helping hand and shoudln't be a problem.

I'd be more than happy to give you all the content on the site as well as the blogspot page that it's currently forwarded to as well.


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Re: Domain For Sale www.FreeStorageAuctionLists.Com
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2013, 10:33:36 AM »
I've never sold or transferred a domain before so may need some assistance transferring it over to you after the sale but I've done it before so just need a helping hand and shoudln't be a problem.

Just use Makes it simple and protects both buyer and seller. Fee is based on the amount of the sale.  Should cost you about $40 on a $1200 transaction.

Offline rulesforrebels

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Re: Domain For Sale www.FreeStorageAuctionLists.Com
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2013, 12:33:43 PM »
Just use Makes it simple and protects both buyer and seller. Fee is based on the amount of the sale.  Should cost you about $40 on a $1200 transaction.

thanks for the tip. yeah ive heard of that site before as ive had some customers inquire me about paying that way. ill have to check that out. i was gonna do flippa but there there's fees without even necessarily haveing a successful sale. they advertise they offer some listings as low as $6, however ive tried multiple times and selling diff sites both new and old and it always seems to be at least $29 so escrow looks like a better option

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