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Free Internet On Your Laptop Through Your Phone

Offline rulesforrebels

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Free Internet On Your Laptop Through Your Phone
« on: May 23, 2011, 09:39:04 PM »
You can get internet on your computer through your phone.

I've known about this for a while but finally got around to testing it out. Most phone companies charge like $30 for this service, you can do it for free with an app called easytether. You do need to be connected from your phone to computer by your charger but that's it. It is possible to have wifi for up to 8 devices but that requires rooting your phone. No rooting or unlocking needed just gotta dowload easy tether and it's pretty easy to set up.

Definately will be nice for certain types of auctions as well as flea markets if you get tired of messing around on your computers small screen or possibly limited web access via apps instead of true internet you can get free internet wherever you are.

If anyone is curiuos about speeds did a speed test. First one is 4g through easytether second one is comcast internet. I'll have to do another one though. 4G isn't that great within Chicago, I think it's decent in the burbs where most of my auctions and flea markets tend to be.

Re: Free Internet On Your Laptop Through Your Phone
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2011, 10:05:30 PM »
Found the app for many smartphones but not for the IPHONE that look like they will work. Anyone find one for the IPHONE?

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Re: Free Internet On Your Laptop Through Your Phone
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2011, 10:10:18 PM »
I would imagine you probably need to unlock or "jail break" an iphone.

Iphone is awesome but that's one of the downsides of it. Apple is super protective of their products, software, etc. You probably won't be able to without doing something to your phone. Someone else maybe can provide more insight on that.

I personally have an evo. android an open network or whatever they call it.

To have wireless for multiple devices I would have to do that to mine but dont want to root it so I'm perfectly happy having to be tethered to the phone. I imagine soon enough though someone will come out with an app that no longer makes you be rooted for wireless.

Offline Travis

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Re: Free Internet On Your Laptop Through Your Phone
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2011, 10:21:56 AM »
I have been using wireless tether for my android phone for about 6 months. It turns the android into a wireless router and you can operate several computers on it, although the connection is pretty slow. Some android phones do have to be rooted, however, you can download an app called Z4 root (not on the android market, on their website) (the cell phone services had it removed because it hurts their profits).

It works great although on everything except videos. If all you do is basic web browsing & email, then you can cancel your ISP. If you download a lot of media, forget about it.

Keep in mind that technically, this is theft of service. You contract covers it, but they have no way of knowing who's doing it. The cell phone companies haven't brought it into the media yet because they can't detect the people who beating the system. If they were to issue a press release, millions of people would be doing it. This would cost them a lot of money and put a huge burden on the data network.

Be careful if you do this, because they are working on a way to detect it. Once they do, they may slap you with a huge bill.

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Re: Free Internet On Your Laptop Through Your Phone
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2011, 11:56:37 AM »
Good info tc, yeah with mine I have to be tethered. I guess I'm not really sure what rooting is though I do sorta get the concept of it. I believe with most carriers rooting your phone voids any warranties or insurance though right?

Also, is z4root actually rooting your phone or is it just an app you download?

If your phone did crash you can take it to some shops who can set it back to factory settings so you can turn it in for insurance, I just have been hesitant to root as I really dont fully understand what rooting is.

Tether is fine for me though. Like you said speeds aren't fantastic so it's not going to replace my home internet plus I'd be afraid of being detected if I was watching netflix movies everynight and playing nhl 2011 on xbox all through my phone.

Like you said though, assuming your just surfing the net, etc your not using much data, if your watching movies and stuff may not be the best idea.

I havn't tested many areas yet but in CHicago 4G is pretty sad. Speed isn't fast enough to even login to email or anything that requires a login. As for checking craigslist and ebay and searching the net for product inof and prices its perfectly fine for that though.

For me the speed isn't great and there's so much free wireless around these days I don't see myself using this a ton but will be handy for police aucitons, flea markets, estate sales, etc if I have my laptop with me.

Offline Travis

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Re: Free Internet On Your Laptop Through Your Phone
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2011, 09:56:38 PM »
Let me explain rooting in layman's terms - if you're not a computer programmer, don't mess with it or your phone will be toast. Z4 root is an app that programs (roots) your phone with one click of a button. Once you root your phone, you can download wireless tether from the android market. Z4 root is very stable and extremely easy to use. You shouldn't have any problems with it.

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