Here is a link to the video of the NRA press conference
I was skeptical that they could come up with a meaningful contribution, but I think their plan of placing adequately trained armed guards in every school and the implementation of the school shield program will actually work.
I hope this plan gets a lot more attention, it's a good start.
Watch the video carefully at minute 5:00 + . Even though someone holds up a hand-made, crude cloth banner the speaker continues as though nothing is happening...even though that banner is blocking the cameras view of the speaker. Finally, he gets it and stops speaking.
The demonstrator continues speaking loudly as he is led away.
After that the speaker goes on to lay into the media (film and games) for promoting violence. Maybe this recent killing spree will finally provide the impetus to do something about gun violence....anything would be an improvement.
At 11:45 (or so) a female demonstrater comes in with a banner and is led away. Got to hand it to these free speech advocates though of course they should be holding their own meeting.
The speaker (before he started his speech) said that he (they) would not be taking questions once he was done.
It's a lot easier to present a prepapred speech than it is to answer questions from the media or other interested parties (ask any politicians).
Edit 2:
Here's a pic of the audience (courtesy of New York Times video feed).