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How successful are your Adsense accounts?

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How successful are your Adsense accounts?
« on: May 08, 2011, 12:41:55 PM »
If you have Adsense on your website, I could really use your advice. I have been running Adsense for a month now and I just got my finalized earnings. We only had 2 clicks last month and we made $3.67. Apparently, we made $3.35 on one click alone. We are only running Adsense on the HSA blog, but it got about 1,000 hits last month. Is 2 clicks normal for 1,000 hits?

What kind of numbers are you getting? What are your average earning for those numbers?

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Re: How successful are your Adsense accounts?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2011, 06:22:48 PM »
Hey tC, yeah adsense is kinda tricky. Sometimes you can make like $8 off one click and other days you'll get 3 clicks and make like $0.08 cents.

I don't think anybody really knows how it works as google keeps the algorithim top secret. I believe if someone actually stays on the site, signs up, etc when they redirect to the link you get paid more

One thing to be careful about, don't just throw up a million adsense things. For a while I was building blogs and sties for friends and in return they would let me run adsense on them however most of my friends are lazy and never really did anything with them so not driving a lotof traffic. I did't think anything of it, even if they gte 10 hits a month thats ten more opportunities for a click right?

The problem is if you have ads that never get clicked I forget what they call it but google tags your account as a budget account or something like that. Look at your CPM. Mine was at around $10 however those ads with no traffic and no clicks were dragging me down and I was soon making only like $2 cpm. I took down all the ads and a week later I'm back up to $8.

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Re: How successful are your Adsense accounts?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2011, 06:25:54 PM »
Adsense is tough but imho I think its still better than most other affiliate programs where people have to actually buy something or sign up for something.

For example apple vacations has a good one $74 per vacation booked reguardless of where or how much. Sounds good but you have to get hundreds of visitors just to get someone to click the ad and even then who's to say they are going to book? If they dont or if the cookie goes away and they book or they book from another CPU you don't get paid. I like adsense in that you get paid per click and I think maybe even a little if you have high impression numbers.

I've heard Yahoo has something similar to adsense, I've never really looked into it though. Google also has google affiliates which doesn't have that good of choices of affiliates and you run into the same problem as my apple vacation example. I do however like it in the sense that you dont have to have a million diff accounts with diff passwords each hooked to a bank account, etc. Google affiliates and adsense are all through the same platform.

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Re: How successful are your Adsense accounts?
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2011, 06:29:05 PM »
It took me probably about 6 months just to make like $28, however in t he past month I've climbed to over $150, finally about to get my first check, you gotta break $100 before they pay you.

My first site wasn't getting that much traffic, my site I post on this board from time to time is doing fairly decent, some days I'll only get like 80 hits tohers I"ll get  like over 600. Average I would say is somewhere between 300-360 hits or so and I'm lucky if I make $3 a day.

It is at least nice making something, frustrating when you see nothing or like 0.06 cents, especially on a good day when you have like 400 hits.

I'm going to start playing around with ad placement, should colors match the page or not match, should ads have borders or not? I'm basically going to start creating diff channels, tracking and seeing what's most effective as far as getting people to click. I'll report back with what I find.

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Re: How successful are your Adsense accounts?
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2011, 07:11:28 PM »
Just wanted to add one more thing. TC, Checked otu the blog section of your site, you got some good articles on there. That's a great addition to your site. Not only is having a blog good for your search engine ranking but content is the reason people visit a site so that will get you repeat visitors.

I had a buddy who started a sports handicapping site I helped him set up. The site told about him, about the packages and you coudl buy the packages but that's all it was, no updates, no contnet, etc. He wanted to set up affiliate programs. I helped him out with it but it was pretty pointless. Just the nature of his site was once someone came and bought a package they got their picks emailed to them so they really had no reason to return until they needed to reup and buy another package amonth later or year later. I kept telling him to start a blog, write some articles, add some content both for SEO and to give people a reason to return to the site. He never did it and his affiliates never made him any money.

You got some interesting articles so it will help you in search engine rankings and give people a reason to check the site frequently. Your situation is a lil diff than my buddies in that I assume people come to your site and login to view auctions rather than have them emailed, at least that's what it looks like to me. Regardless though its still a great idea and good for your site ahving that blog.

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Re: How successful are your Adsense accounts?
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2011, 08:22:13 PM »
I appreciate the compliment on the articles. I assume you were talking about because you were referring to it benefiting the website. It definitely helps for SEO purposes, but it's a lot of work. For it to be most effective, you want to optimize every page, but that can be expensive. The articles on the HSA blog have taken the back burner for a while until I get a majority of the content loaded on Storage Auction Blog

I have another 30 articles to load and then I can start writing some fresh content. I am developing a free course called Storage Auctions 101, which will compete with the storage auction schools and storage auction get rich quick books, minus the false claims.

I wrote an article earlier today titled "Storage Auction Schools - Worth Their Salt?"  I currently have the article open for debate so if you have an opinion, feel free to make it known. The article is on the home page at  

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Re: How successful are your Adsense accounts?
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2011, 05:29:05 PM »
Interesting point you bring up TC, with the whole storage auction schools or ebooks.Personally I sell an ebook actually just sold one today as a matter of fact, and I'll be the first to admit it's not worth its salt so to speak. I guess that's being harsh, if a newbie needs some guidance I suppose it is informative and does give some good tips and info but really not anything that they couldn't find out by comming on this forum for example and asking a question or even just reading previous threads.

I suppose its like auctions though. Just b/c you can figure it out yourself doesn't mean people won't also pay for it. I just paid to have my kitchen drywalled, I know how to do it myself but could justify the cost as saving myself time and headaches.

As for prices. I think reasonably priced schools and ebooks are maybe a good starter for a newbie but I've seen some close to $100 maybe evne over $100.

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Re: How successful are your Adsense accounts?
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2011, 05:32:20 PM »
I thought you brought up another interesting point as well. The whole get rich quick aspect of some of the advertisements for books and programs.

Honetly the % of people who will get rich is probably 1% or less. Can you make a good living just doing storage auctions. Sure you can and its a great way to make a living being your own boss. I would venture to say majority of the people who regularly attend auctions at least from those I know and talk to and even on boards do it as a supplement to another job or another form of income.

Do some people get rich? Absolutely but how oftne are million dollar comic books or hundreds of thousands of dollars in precious metals found right.

Personally though this kind of made me think of MLM programs. I've been to many meetings and they are all the same. You hear about how much money can be made. Some guy talks about how he was working a respectable job but missing out on time with his family and is now rich beyond his wildest dreams vacationing with his family, etc.

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Re: How successful are your Adsense accounts?
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2011, 05:34:04 PM »
Personally at those meetings or with anything for that matter soon as you start trying to get me excited about money but give me no substance I'm totally turned off to the idea because there's a whole manipulation mind F#*$ that every MLM, get rich scheme, management training program job, etc is built on.

HOwever if someone told me look your not going to get rich most likely but you can make a comfortable income or at the very least make some side money to supplmenet your income and this is a real opportunity not sealing envelopes from home or some other scam sounding thing. I would buy that program in a second.

Offline Travis

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Re: How successful are your Adsense accounts?
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2011, 05:52:10 PM »
Rules, you know I have a comments section on my blog. LOL  Seriously though, I could really use the feedback.

Anyone use adsense for feeds? Looking for some clarification

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