Storage Auctions

I'm outa stuff....

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I'm outa stuff....
« on: March 25, 2012, 03:41:06 PM »
Been on a selling rampage and today looked at my stuff and I don't have anything left!
Some hard to sell items, some scrap but nothing really.

Auctions. Picking. CL Free. Can't find much.

Surgery on Wednesday so unless I come up in the next two days I'm out of business for a while.

Was really hoping to spend my down time just selling.
Guess I'm stuck with day time tv......

Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 11:39:56 PM »
Man wish I had that problem. I am up to buying 2-3 lockers a week now, my issue has been selling yardsale/flea market type items. I have a shed full and hold yard sales every week, but I am seriously worried about my space situation with the constent flow of furniture I have coming in too.

Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2012, 06:18:46 AM »
That is sort of a good problem to have Alias.  I'm in-between you and Fayettenam.  I am running out of good stuff and have a bunch of "so-so" items to still sell.  I've already decided most if not all of the nick-nacks / cups / figurines are going to Goodwill.  Will keep some of the newer items I've not tried yet but just about everything on my one shelf is going.

I've been selling the crap out of world currency.  Only take a little at a time but sell each note for $2 each.  Sometimes will give a break of $1 each.  I decided last night to spend some of my paypal money and order some new notes.  Cost per note is $.25.  Those that I don't keep will be sold at that $2 mark.

I've also have bought some itmes / lots from other auction buyers.  Mostly it's computer electronics that they don't feel like messing with, don't know crap about, or just have too much stuff.  I've done so/so with this.  Last purchase was 5 boxes of stuff and 3 computers for $150.  If the computers work like he says and are P4s will break even if don't sell anything else.

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Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2012, 12:06:16 PM »
Since I'll be pretty much house bound I'm looking into "service" rather than "product" ideas.
Rebuilding xBox's. Cell phone screen and iPod/iPhone battery replacement. 

Does anyone know that actual legalities of unlocking/jailbreaking phones?
Only have done a cursory google search, didn't come up with a definitive answer.

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Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2012, 06:00:48 PM »
Alias on last question no answer here.

But wished had your problem.  Kinda like Craig, good stuff getting thin, and junk stuff plenty. 

Had someone come out for a table and three chairs price $50. need to move it. Said too much work to be done on it  ??? Not perfect but not falling apart either.

And the guy was terrified of my Uncles dog that came over so missed opportunity to try and sell different table and chairs for $125.  dog harmless just big. But they did not want to spend more than $50. Oh well.

Hope your surgery goes well. And hope you find something better than day time TV. to do.  ;)

Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2012, 02:25:25 PM »
I had a co-worker that use to jailbreak his apple stuff.  Unlocking cell phones to be used on various networks I don't think is illegal.  If it was how could 80% of the phones on ebay be sold.  Jailbreaking I'm just not sure about.  I see people doing it all the time to stuff.  However, they run the risk of getting hit with major penalties by the carriers.

My co-worker had his phone and ipad jailbroke.  So that he could teether his ipad to his phone instead of paying another $30 a month for unlimited teethering data.  He finally got caught and they canceled or made some change to his service.

If your good with repairing stuff just look on craigs, ebay, etc. and buy some of the broken stuff, repair it, and then re-sell.  Is how we got one of our newest regulars.  He use to do yard sales picking up old electronics.  He saw all the cars in front of a storage place one day and ran up (in his PJs no less) and asked what was going on.  He has been buying units since Nov.  He works from home repairing electronics and sells them on ebay / flea.  Listening to him he is doing very well and is pretty reckless with his bids.  But I always take what people "brag" about with a grain of salt.

May want to give that a try.

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Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2012, 03:14:43 PM »
I've done some minor DIY stuff and enjoy it.
Have some broken iPods and 'decent' phones to practice on.

Brother says it's all a total b*tch at first but once you've done a few, learn the programing and have patch scripts written (or downloaded) it's really pretty easy.

Also have three broken xBox's that I had listed for parts but no takers so I ordered parts from china and will sell.
Friend has the set up to make it so they can read burned game disk but not so keen on that idea. 1) I KNOW thats illegal and 2) you can't go on xbox live with them so ur standard buyer doesn't want them.

I'll give it a shot. Got all I need so if it doesn't work out it's just my time and I have plenty of that in the next month.......

Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2012, 07:38:49 PM »
Hope you get good at it Alias.  I have a whole bag of phones that need repair / work.  Have them in my "escrap" pile.  Did pull one to see if can sell it for parts.

Spent just under $100 for 320 world coins and 295 world notes.  Have been selling the coins at $.25 or more each.  Notes go for $2 each.  Even with doing some "bundles" with people I should be able to make some nice change.  Coins were $.07 each and notes $.21 to $.25 cost for each.

If have some cash on hand you can always do coin roll searching in dimes/quarters/halves for silver.  Those coins sell easy for spot or little more at the flea.  Pulled a bunch of wheat pennies that I put in my mix to sale.  No bites yet but who knows.

Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2012, 02:59:29 PM »
Heck I'd offer to give ya half our junk if you were in the vicinity.  Like most here we're down to crap & scrap with a few 'decent' pieces, but they don't seem to be selling right now~~~

Good luck on the surgery~

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Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2012, 03:41:12 PM »
Came thru surgery. Looks like I'll have plenty of downtime to research the in's-n-outs of repairing electronics.
They ended up not being able to do a lot of it arthoscopicly and had to do a full  incesion to remove bicep.
Means I have a full month of healing before I can start therapy or I might rip out the sutures.

I've been pretty drugged up but watching YouTube and browesing DIY sites on phone repair and other electronics.  If anyone comes across anything interesting or informative in this area, message me a link if you would.....

Step one) learn to do it
Step two) learn to do it with only one arm!  lol

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Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2012, 11:56:14 AM »
First off, I've found that the 'Digital Millennium Copyright Act' allows for systems to be jailbroken. Perfectly legal. Though it voids the warranty.

As far as unlocking, it's legal as long as phone isn't still property of carrier. Basically, the phone can't be under contract.
AT&T announced that they now authorize the unlocking of their phones after contract has expired.

Working on the owner of this little scary convience store that sells used phones to let me learn on some of his.  And picked up a pay-as-you-go phone to practice on. Don't really like putting money out but figured worse case, everyone needs a burner from time to time. ;)

Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2012, 09:08:35 PM »
Well I've already made back 1/2 of my money I spent to buy world currency.  Sold $40 worth just to one guy.  If this keeps paying off I'll have to re-order in a month or so.  Some notes I suspect will be slow in selling but others are doing very well.  Trying to keep an eye out on what people are buying so can try and just re-order those type notes.

Alias - glad you came out of everything fine.  Working with just one arm is just always so much fun.  Had to do it myself when I was a teen due to an injury, cast, sling, etc.  Really sucks if its your dominate hand.

You have a clue how to replace the screens and stuff yet?  If need some practice phones I have 1 AT&T one that is fairly new with a busted screen.  Could round up my kids phones with same issue and send them to you.  All the older phones I'm packing up to send to my escrap buyers.

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Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2012, 02:32:59 PM »
That would be great!
I'll pay you a bit for them and shipping of course. PM me what you think is fair. Just remember these most likely are not going to be sold for profit. Just need practice phones.

And I'll have to send a money order. I don't have paypal right now. Long story.
If money order is a problem Ill see if my room mate will let me use his, I'd just prefer not to but not that big of deal.

Thanks for the good wishes.
Truly a pain....and painful. Got "talked to" by therapist today. In my mind I haven't been useing my arm but even the little I have is to much in his mind. Guess my incisions are opening below the skin. His fear is that if those are disturbed then possibly the anchors they put in the bone's are being pulled at also.
Considering my entire bicep is being held in place by a single stich.....
Long story short, I'm now in a total immobilization sling for 4 weeks!!

Have a really cool video of surgery if anyone is into that sort of thing. Not gory. No blood or anything. Let me know and I'll send you a link.

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Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2012, 09:49:57 PM »
Here is the gold pic's.
Project is on hold until my shoulder is healed. Apparently it's frowned upon to be lifting 10-20lb rocks right after surgery....

I'll get some better one's. Some have really nice viens.

Re: I'm outa stuff....
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2012, 08:57:23 PM »
That is a really cool rock.  Would end up on my mantle over the fireplace.  Maybe on my desk at work if could lock up my office.

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