I already grabbed the one thing I really . Was pissed cause there were a few items I wanted that disappeared. Some old tools and fishing gear. Some had only value to me, some were very valuable but I would never have sold them.
What gets me is no one on that side of the family sells so they grab but then let it sit in there garage!
If your going to use it, no matter the value, take it! It's yours, enjoy. And if your going to take it cause it's worth money, great. Make a buck. But don't let it just sit when someone else could either use it or make money.
At least I have one thing over them. They dont know the value of things. My dad said the gold tableware is suddenly gone. Told him good! Only place to get a decent amount for that is eBay and no way do I want to try and ship it. I could never carry that thing upstairs without flatware going everywhere! lol
Soon whoever took it will realize that gold flatware is just electroplated stainless steal. Gold buyers won't even take it (unless it's silver underneath, which this set is not)
I'm looking at the furniture, old board games, misc dishes and kitchen stuff.......pretty sure everything I'm looking at, in their mind is goodwill or dump items.
But who knows what will be left when my cousin moves out.
(my cousin is a girl cheesehead.....and No, not even close to her size. She's got a good 50lbs on me and a country girl thru-n-thru. She' d kick my......


. lol