Then why were you trashing the shippers and the show?
What were you basing your opinion on...ignorance? 
Yes, I was basing my opinion on ignorance.
Or, put another way, it was an OPINION. In my OPINION it is stupid for those shippers to agree to something when they don't have all the facts of the delivery.
I didn't feel like checking out the website because I have no interest in becoming a free-lance shipper, but if I did have any interest it would have been squelched if I saw I had to operate with minimal information on what was required.
In my OPINION the show, just like Storage Wars, is aiming at entertainment and therefore they don't show us any but the OUT OF THE ORDINARY hauls and only show us the hauls that are going to create problems and therefore conflict and ENTERTAINMENT.
I actually enjoy seeing the guys go at it and I think the character ROY is quite good...he seems to be a problem solver for any load though he as well as the others often comes up against it when it gets right down to it and sometimes (just like on Storage Wars) loses money in his efforts.
Edit:Here are a couple of definitions which might help in ANY discussion, here or elsewhere:
ig·no·rance /ˈignərəns/
NounLack of knowledge or information: "he acted in ignorance of basic procedures".
o·pin·ion /əˈpinyən/
A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
2.The beliefs or views of a large number or majority of people about a particular thing.
view - judgement - judgment - mind - notion - idea
I especially like the first definition (above) of OPINION.