I hope you are close enough and able to distinguish among the smoke, running patrons and one or more bad guys when to take those critical shots.
I've actually been in that situation.
Club I worked at had a gang member come in looking for rivals.
He started shooting. Killed a guy about three feet to my left.
Now since I was IN the club I wasn't armed. But got to car and by the time I was armed it was to much.
Over 1000 people, just flashing club lights and fog machine. But he dropped the gun and ran.....
Had it been same situation but not a bar (maybe a theater?) then I would have returned fire. Darkness, fog and people don't matter as much since It's close quarters.
And if he had continued shooting after I was armed?
By the time id gotten to my gun, I was wasn't going to fire thru a crowd with smoke and flashing lights in my eyes. Just like the theater. Even if someone was armed they would have to be close. Otherwise, run like hell. You conceal carry to protect yourself and your family, not others. If a situation arises where you can safely save another, great. But don't put yourself in harms way.
I was generalizing more than citing this particular event. Just how more of these shootings are being reported, how there are to many guns out there. But no one ever returns fire....seems only the criminals carry. So how is restricting my ownership and carry rights going to help the situation.
Do I know the answer to the problem? No.
Am I personally doing anything about it? No.
Am I going to try and do anything about it from his point on? Probably not.
But I'll exercise my right to b*tch about the way others are going about it.