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NRA president on Face The Nation...Sunday, 12/23/2012

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NRA president on Face The Nation...Sunday, 12/23/2012
« on: December 23, 2012, 09:58:13 AM »
This clown has a tough job there's no doubt, but in the first few minutes he jokes with the moderator. I feel sorry for this guy as he has to defend something that is indefensible.

I am a gun owner but not a member of the NRA.  Sure, there are no easy answers, but WORK ON IT.

They propose armed guards at all schools. How about all movie theatres, train stations, airports. The targets are numerous and unprotectable from a true madman.

Moderator Shiffer lays into the NRA pres for his apparent blaming of media, movies, game producers and for not taking any resposibility for mass murderers.

Shiffer says "You seem to blame the mentally ill, you seem to blame Hollywood, you seem to blame the media, the game manufacturers. You did not seem to think your (NRA) policies have had anything at all to do with this.

NRAs response is:   We don't think they have.

Sporting arms?  Ak-47s and similar weapons aren't used for hunting deer. 

Re: NRA president on Face The Nation...Sunday, 12/23/2012
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2012, 02:56:28 PM »
Sporting arms?  Ak-47s and similar weapons aren't used for hunting deer.

Sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one.

First, a "true" AK-47 is fully automatic, so by definition, there aren't that many even in this country, and the few lucky fellows that do own one have had to go through a very thorough background check by the BATFE and pay the tax. 

Second, the common 7.62 x 39 cartridge that it is chambered for is actually a very common hunting round, very similar to the ultimate deer gun cartridge, the .30-30. 

Third, so what?  Except in just a few states, a .22 long rifle isn't used for hunting deer either.  Does that mean there is no need for that?  I'd say there are a ton of firearms and calibers that people shoot for recreation every day, but are not used for hunting.  Does that mean we shouldn't have those either?

And, what about the argument that nobody needs a 30 round magazine?  So if somebody went into a school and only shot 10 kids because he only had a 10 round magazine, would that be acceptable?  HELL NO! 

I'm not saying I have all the answers, but with all the emotion over little kids getting killed, too many people want something done, even if it's just a "feel good" law and will actually accomplish nothing.  There are so many firearms in this country, that even if they enact an ill conceived ban tomorrow, I don't believe it would have much of a deterrent effect on whack jobs intent on hurting innocent people. 

Obama himself has contributed to the best years the gun industry have ever had.  When he was elected to his first term, everybody was afraid he was going to try to pass a ban.  So called "Assault Weapons" and "High Capacity Clips (which are actually called "Magazines")", as well as 9mm, .40 s&w, .45 acp, 22 LR, .223, .308, and 7.63 x 39 ammo, along with most other ammo, was almost impossible to find for his first two years in office.  Sales were brisk the whole time, and upon his re-election, started escalating again. 

I firmly believe he was going to attempt some kind of restriction this time around....after all, he has nothing to lose.  But as sad and despicable as the school shooting is, the liberal's are dancing in the blood of innocent little children, because now they have an opportunity to ramrod through the reinstatement of the AWB and restrictions on hi capacity magazines.  Too many people are willing to give up just a little more freedom for a feel good law that will have no practical effect. 

Just my opinion by the way.  I'm not a whack job and I own no "assault rifles", and only a couple hi cap mags for one of my pistols.  But it seems like more and more laws that serve no practical purpose are being made all the time just so people can "feel good".  Look at all of the restrictions and inconvenience at the airports these days....just so everybody can "feel good" that "something" is being done......but at what price?

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Re: NRA president on Face The Nation...Sunday, 12/23/2012
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2012, 03:18:06 PM »
Sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one.

First, a "true" AK-47 is fully automatic, so by definition, there aren't that many even in this country, and the few lucky fellows that do own one have had to go through a very thorough background check by the BATFE and pay the tax. 

Second, the common 7.62 x 39 cartridge that it is chambered for is actually a very common hunting round, very similar to the ultimate deer gun cartridge, the .30-30. 

The history of the Kalishikov is pretty interesting, and forces around the world use them...just ask any African in the midst of slaughters.

My ex son-in-law is a firearms dealer in Colorado (he and my daughter moved there partially for their more liberal gun laws) and I have shot his fully auto AK-47 and a Thompson with drum magzine. They put out a lot of firepower.

I am not a deer hunter, but I would guess that the majority of them use some kind of bolt action rifle. I know the 7.62 is a common round for deer hunting as is perhaps still the 30.30 depending on the clime, the hunter etc.

My point was (is) that the use of an AK-47 for deer hunting (or any big game hunting) is probably an anomaly and not an every day occurrence.

I believe the gun enthusiast who is more rabid than I am likes the feel of wood and steel and just plain likes the idea of owning an AK or even the super deluxe sniper rifles available to the general public (for a price). Nothing wrong with being a collector and an enthusiast, but what bothers me is the throwing out of the 2nd amendment as a defense for having all these weapons available to almost any Tom, Dick and Harry who wants one.

A well-armed militia meant something during the mid 18th century that differs from what is being promoted by rabid gun enthusiasts today.

I also feel that some of the folks who push complete freedom of firearms possession fall into those groups (at whatever level) who promote preparedness for the ultimate shutdown of life as we know it. Those preppers come in all sizes of course. The folks who have 10 large gun safes and 100 plus weapons will certainly be able to repel almost any force who would come after them and if that's the way they want to spend their money and time, that's fine with me, but it doesn't mean they need to amass even more weapons or weapons of greater power.

The gun industry will never go away, but one has to wonder  if we really need all those guns rolling off assembly lines.

Gun control is a difficult topic to discuss and has many angles to look at; I just grow concerned with the attitude that has "...from my cold, dead hands" as one of its major premises.

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Re: NRA president on Face The Nation...Sunday, 12/23/2012
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2012, 06:26:04 PM »
In my opinion...

1. When a drunk driver loads the back of his pick-up truck full of kids and wipes out on the highway causing many fatalities, the owner of Ford Motor Co. and the president of Triple A aren't asked to defend themselves, or the products they make and the owners of the products they serve.

2. The "assault" weapon that was used to perpetrate the largest mass killing in the United States was not AK-47s or  AR-15s, it was box cutters. (9/11/01)

3. The "media" (Bob Schieffer,et al.) in the United States is controlled by 6 major corporations. I doubt any of the people you see on TV or read in the newspaper are independent, objective, investigative journalists; they are mostly mouth pieces for thier corporate masters whose purpose is only to spread propaganda and create ratings/advertising revenue for the corporate government.

4. Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zadong, Pol Pot, are all 20th Century examples proving that the founding fathers purpose and 18th Century meaning of the 2nd. Amendent are still relevent in today.

Re: NRA president on Face The Nation...Sunday, 12/23/2012
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2012, 03:20:04 AM »
With all the talking heads on the box spouting I have yet to hear anyone propose spending money on mental health. There was an article by a woman who had a son ( 9 I think she said) who was very smart and had extreme anger problems . The only help , long term , she was able to get was a cop said that until he was charged with something and a paper trail started she was on her own. When the country decided to close the mental institutions it was only a matter of time before the mentally ill decided that MAINSTREAMING included guns. We can spend lots of money on guards or when someone is shown to be a danger to themselves or others they get put away until they aren't but that cost money so it won't happen we will just wait til the next time and hope it's not close to us.

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