As far as I know, and please correct me if I’m wrong, Storage Treasures doesn’t direct traffic too storage facility web sites for a cut in the rental fee like the aggregators mentioned above in other industries as that Smith guy is complaining about. So Travis, what in your mind makes Storage Treasures an aggregator?
You have to look deeper to see it because it's not that obvious. Storage Treasures has built a database which includes every storage facility in the U.S. and Canada. Actually, it is unclear whether they built the database or borrowed it from their partner (an aggregator.) Regardless of where the database came from, if you look at their search engine marketing strategy, it is designed to attract people looking for storage as well as people looking for storage auctions. Storage Treasures has the following title on every search engine listing they have in every city:
Storage Auctions Storage Facility in (Your Town, USA)
Also, if you click on the following link and look at their menu bar, you will see a button that says "Find Storage." Once you click the button and enter your zip code, you are transferred to the aggregator's site.
It is unclear whether and share ownership; however, they are definitely in cahoots.
Lance Watkins, CEO of Storage Treasures as well as one of his associates are members of this forum. Perhaps you could ask them what their relationship is with and how they are compensated.