Storage Auctions

Wasted morning

Offline Alias300

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Wasted morning
« on: January 08, 2013, 01:16:38 PM »
Woke early and decided to check out auctions.
Called the facility downtown off of StorageTreasures.  Yeah, auction was scheduled.

Had to use Toll bridge to make it.   Had to pay for parking.  R/T a Gallon of gas.
Just to find that Yes, there was a Scheduled auction......but it was moved to 2/5.
That last bit woulda been a nice thing to let me know on the phone! 

Other one on my way home, called on my way.  Cancelled.

You know, I think StorageTreasures only has listings from one auctioneer in my area.   They just go off his website.....rather his schedual.. He hits the same places in rotatation.   So facility 'x' has it every 1st Tuesday.....they just mark the entire years first Tuesday as an auction. Auction scheduled or not.

The auctioneer however actually updates his site right up to the morning of auction.....much better.

Offline Travis

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Re: Wasted morning
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2013, 06:35:04 PM »
You know, I think StorageTreasures only has listings from one auctioneer in my area.   They just go off his website.....rather his schedual.. He hits the same places in rotatation.   So facility 'x' has it every 1st Tuesday.....they just mark the entire years first Tuesday as an auction. Auction scheduled or not.

That's funny that you mentioned that. I was talking to a buddy of mine who is the auctioneer for 100+ U-Haul locations and he mentioned that Storage Treasures was doing the same thing to his schedule. He wasn't very pleased with them because people were showing up to auctions that he never advertised.

Wasted morning....

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