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What I don't understand about this conversation area

Offline MovieMan

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What I don't understand about this conversation area
« on: March 08, 2011, 11:24:40 AM »
Maybe I'm not thinking this through, but I don't understand the theory of buying/selling in this area.

If I have some item say model trains, planes or other collectible, why would I sell them to someone on here who
wants to buy them? I obviously (I think) could get more for them if I sold to the end user rather than someone who is going to sell them to the end user anyway.  

So, the buyer here is not going to give me that great a price, AND since the chances of me being in the same State let alone city as the buyer is SLIM TO NONE, it means the item has to be packed and shipped. Who is going to pay for that (me or the buyer) ? When I sell something on eBay, the buyer of the item pays the shipping, not me.

ALSO, if I have something like Beanie Babies (a loser in my market), is it going to be advantageous to me to sell them to someone for 50 cents each AND AGAIN have to pack and ship them...and who pays the shipping again? !

Sorry, I just don't see it, but if someone can enlighten me with a different example, I'm willing to listen (if not agree).

Re: What I don't understand about this conversation area
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2011, 12:12:35 PM »
I look to this as more of a networking thing. You can't cover all the bases with ebay, cl, local fleas etc so if I have items to sell or items I may have a buyer for but don't have that item and or have items that aren't moving quickly enough locally I'll let it go to the group at a good price just to make a little and turn over my inventory so I can go for the next buy. As I had said previously, at least for me, my goal is to turn it over for a quick profit even if it is not the "full" profit I could make by hanging on to an item longer. Case in point I got over 100 Avon Collectible bottles (no duplicates) all in the original boxes out of my last locker. With the boxes the average retail price is somewhere near $10.00 a bottle. Thats some at 8 some as high as 20 a bottle. I'm good with selling the whole lot to one person for 4 a bottle plus actual shipping, no charge for handling or packing. For me, putting 400 back into my pocket now breaks me even for the locker then the other items are my profit and I'm flush to go buy more. Thats my take on it........OH BTW, anyone want to buy 100 plus avon bottles in original boxes and most of them are full for $400 plus shipping.....LOL

Offline MovieMan

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Re: What I don't understand about this conversation area
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2011, 12:25:04 PM »
OK, this is a good example (the Avon bottles).

I think if a collector was reading these forums and wanted to add to his/her collection, an offer like yours would make sense (if they didn't mind adding duplicates to THEIR collection (as I'm sure there would be some).

But I guess my main thrust was the buyers who are looking to resell the items I would sell to them.
Perhaps they (like me) don't mind holding on to something for a while to sell at a better price.
Your point about turning over inventory so you could spend the money on new lkrs is well taken too.
I'll start a thread in the general talk area about this.

Offline Drew

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Re: What I don't understand about this conversation area
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2011, 08:02:47 PM »
Every forum has a for sale/wtb section!!! haha is that a good excuse? I just figured to have it here...doesn't hurt to advertise you item for sale in as many places as possible. If there is anyway we could gear this section more toward storage auction go'ers  im game.

Re: What I don't understand about this conversation area
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2011, 02:31:43 AM »
One of the only times I think that this section would be good is for one of my part-time businesses.  Buying and selling sports cards.  A lot of people come into boxes of cards, don't know anything about the business, and want to sell them off as one lot to someone like me who will take the time to sort them out and re-sell them individually.

Its a very tedious job, and results in a lot of headaches, but since I still love going through sports cards, it is worth it.

Re: What I don't understand about this conversation area
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2011, 09:34:28 PM »
could have a lot to do with what something is worth and if the seller even knows what they have and the contacts to sell it.

I deal in remote control products and a radio system that cost $500.00 5 years ago might be worth $25.00 now and then there are some gas engines that sold for $500.00 5 years ago still worth $300.00 now.


Re: What I don't understand about this conversation area
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2011, 10:36:24 PM »
We all have the one or two things that we are always looking for.With all the things everyone comes across maybe we can it for the person.

Offline zyn

Re: What I don't understand about this conversation area
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2011, 02:22:41 AM »
as for the legitimacy of this section IMHO it makes perfect sense. if you're looking for a particular item and having no luck at finding it who better to ask than people that go through lots and lots of every day to odd products much more so than "regular" people. that is all...carry on

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