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$30 Best Buy Gift Card!

Offline Travis

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$30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:04:10 PM »
The person who has the most "legitimate" posts in The Treasure Chest during February will receive a $30 Best Buy gift card.

I'll probably start doing something like this every month in categories that need a little boost.

Offline alloro

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2013, 02:16:55 PM »
Uh oh, get ready for another round of Movieman news posts.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2013, 02:17:19 PM »
Please define "legitimate" and then stick by your definition. Changing the "rules" 10 days into the competition isn't "kosher".

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2013, 02:19:36 PM »
Uh oh, get ready for another round of Movieman news posts.

That's why the rules need to be defined. The last time an offer was made like this it was for $100 and my "legitimate" links to sources in Texas were deleted (cough, cough) and the offer was taken off the books completely.

Oh well.

Offline Travis

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2013, 02:20:10 PM »
Uh oh, get ready for another round of Movieman news posts.

Don't get too excited, it's just for topics/posts in The Treasure Chest. I'm trying to get this category above 1,000 posts.

Offline Travis

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2013, 02:25:59 PM »
Please define "legitimate" and then stick by your definition. Changing the "rules" 10 days into the competition isn't "kosher".

Natural posts. Not short responses like "I agree," "Ha Ha" or " :)"
Posts in this thread don't count.
Minimum 5 posts to qualify.
Gift card will be sent out March 1st.

Offline Travis

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2013, 02:34:34 PM »
That's why the rules need to be defined. The last time an offer was made like this it was for $100 and my "legitimate" links to sources in Texas were deleted (cough, cough) and the offer was taken off the books completely.

Oh well.

It's not my fault no one participated except one person who was only trying to spite me. BTW, you should get that cough checked out, it sounds serious.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2013, 05:10:26 PM »
It's not my fault no one participated except one person who was only trying to spite me. BTW, you should get that cough checked out, it sounds serious.

So if I read the above quote correctly:

1) Only one person (me) contributed links to "sources" in the entire section during the time when you first
announced the $100 prize.

2) You deleted the sources I contributed because you thought I was trying to "spite" you by contributing sources (like yours) that were available in Texas.

Now of course I (and the rest of us here) don't have the ability to delete posts made by anyone else, but then that's what goes along with owning the forum I guess. Doesn't sound "right" to me, but what do I know. I'm just the poor schmuck who's been contributing here for over two years, and saying it like it is whether it was Drew or you at the helm.

I guess the final "blow" was when you then cancelled your entire offer after it had been running for 10 days. I can only assume you didn't want to give $100 to anyone who could have contributed as few as ONE source (since no one was contributing at all during that time).

You and I have had our difference from time to time Travis (before and after you owned the forum) but I have to tell you that took the cake....and then you later ask me for favors (which I won't mention in detail here) as I like to think I am above that degree of response.

So, now that the "official" rules have been posted, I feel I (and others) might be able to contribute and expect the "prize" would actually be given.

Offline Travis

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2013, 05:46:14 PM »
Since you feel the need to elaborate, I shall too.

First and foremost, the posts you made were hours before I announced the contest making them ineligible.

Some of the posts you made were linked to companies that were no longer in business.

Most of the posts were national resources which would have been more appropriately posted in the Multi-State Storage Auction Resources category. Multi-state storage auction resources were excluded from the contest.

If I recall correctly, you were opposed to me disclosing storage auction resources to the public in the first place. Once I did, you tried to make a point by adding several posts in the Texas section. Whether you admit that you did this to spite me, is irrelevant. Had you of made relevant posts in the California resources section, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.

You know that I appreciate you, just like I appreciate every other member that contributes to this forum. I would like to continue incentives like cash and gift cards to make the forum a little more exciting and to continue it's growth. Hopefully, we'll see a better response this go around. If the incentives don't help, they'll go away. If they do work, they'll get bigger and better.

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2013, 06:05:56 PM »
Since you feel the need to elaborate, I shall too.

First and foremost, the posts you made were hours before I announced the contest making them ineligible.Some of the posts you made were linked to companies that were no longer in business.

Since both the offer and my submitted threads are gone it is a matter of "he said, he said".

Most of the posts were national resources which would have been more appropriately posted in the Multi-State Storage Auction Resources category. Multi-state storage auction resources were excluded from the contest.

Understandable the out of business thread could be deleted. Others (IMO) should have been moved to the national resources area.

If I recall correctly, you were opposed to me disclosing storage auction resources to the public in the first place. Once I did, you tried to make a point by adding several posts in the Texas section. Whether you admit that you did this to spite me, is irrelevant. Had you of made relevant posts in the California resources section, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now.

I was opposed to you posting resources to storage auctions when (as a member, not an owner) you were pushing your Texas business in a wide variety of threads on the forum. Once DREW made a special section for PLUGS, it became a different matter. It is one thing to put such "pushes" in a signature line and another to put them as links in irrelevant thread areas to solicit Texas business.

There was no point in my posting sources to California auction sources as you had already done so at the time I posted the Texas sources. The essential difference is IMO that you could delete what I had contributed but I could not delete what you had contributed.

You know that I appreciate you, just like I appreciate every other member that contributes to this forum. I would like to continue incentives like cash and gift cards to make the forum a little more exciting and to continue it's growth. Hopefully, we'll see a better response this go around. If the incentives don't help, they'll go away. If they do work, they'll get bigger and better.

It will be interesting to see who and how many contribute to the Treasure Chest area.

In the section just above this sentence the RED text are Travis' original statements and the BLUE text represents my response to those points.

Offline Travis

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2013, 06:31:55 PM »
 It's obvious that we both remember what went on that day differently. It's really not important. It has taught me that I need to be more specific whenever I make an offer like this.

Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2013, 09:18:19 AM »
What did you expect Movieman? Of course there is an obvious connection between the forums drop off and the new head honcho.

Offline Cobia

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2013, 09:27:49 AM »
I don't think I can participate in the "Treasure Chest" forum cause anything great I find & post, Movieman will just cross reference it with Craiglist & Ebay & "out" my identity to the public.  ;)

I'd like to keep a little anonymity in here.  :P

Offline MovieMan

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2013, 09:49:44 AM »
I don't think I can participate in the "Treasure Chest" forum cause anything great I find & post, Movieman will just cross reference it with Craiglist & Ebay & "out" my identity to the public. 

I'd like to keep a little anonymity in here. 

Well, I haven't done that to you or anyone else here, so I wouldn't do it later.
The satisfaction in that regard is simply "knowing" the facts, not in revealing them to others.
(well OK, there are SOME exceptions, but it's not with members).

As an example, I didn't "out" the member here who sold store gift cards on eBay and got three negative feedbacks for not actually sending them out to the buyers. If THAT isn't aggregious, nothing is.

Offline Alias300

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Re: $30 Best Buy Gift Card!
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2013, 10:37:45 AM »
I don't think I can participate in the "Treasure Chest" forum cause anything great I find & post, Movieman will just cross reference it with Craiglist & Ebay & "out" my identity to the public.  ;)

I know what you mean.  MovieMan is an A**hole!

I find good stuff in a locker, list it on eBay/CL and then he goes and posts those listing around the Internet where just anyone can see them?!    Ups the views, possible gets more bidding and makes me money?   WTF is up with that?!

Seriously MM, I don't post listings so people can see them?!   Come on!    ;D

@cobia. I get your point, just some humor here.  No offense intended.......

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