Had a nice nice day yesterday. Went to an auction at 9am that had 9 units up. Ended up with one for $130. After that the caravan was heading to another location....but I knew of another auction the opposite direction so i went there, avoided the crowds and picked up 2 or the 3 units that were there for another $700. Long story short, the first locker had antique rings in a jewelry box and a few other odds and ends including old gold frame glasses(the type you would think of ben franklin wearing). All in all came out to about $3000 in jewelry. the 2nd unit was about average. A lot of gas lawn equipment. Probably about $2k worth. The 3rd unit was beautiful. when they opened the door there were 5 full military duffels near the front of the door and 2 very large tuff boxes. I got the unit for about $350 and everything was there. the military alone will be about $5k and the room is a 10x20 packed so there will be more stuff to sell. Also sold about $200 in furniture to another dealer while i was there out of the unit(i dont deal much with furniture). So it was a great day overall, only thing ive really gone through was the small unit with the jewelry and i pulled all the military stuff and sorted it. Still a little work to do but can't do much til the kids are back in school tomorrow. I'm excited to see everything else