Storage Auctions

Treasure story

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Treasure story
« on: November 08, 2011, 08:12:02 AM »
This is a story told to me by another "newbie" locker buyer at auction.

His first unit purchased this year he paid $250. It was ALL junk, he was taking EVERYTHING to the dump. On the last tote he was loading he heard something "jingling" in the tote. He dug to the bottom and found a lock box. In the lock box was a collection of gold and silver coins. The retail value of the coin collection was $15,000!

Since then he has bought 8 more units (+ one that day) and all 8 units were complete dump runs! The other regular who was listening to the story basically said. "I'm not saying your lying, but I been doing this for seven years and have never seen anything like that in a unit!"

I personally beleive the story. My question for the group, how long before he spends through that $15,000 he found if he is taking everything to the dump from 9 units purchased? How long before he spends himself into bankruptcy trying to find another "once in a lifetime" locker score?

By-the-way, the locker he won that day was a 10 x 15 about 4 or 6 old filing cabinets up front, a dining room table set with 6 chairs (I sold the same set for $200) end tables, 10-12 boxes, particle board computer desk, and whatever was behind the filing cabinets we could not see. This unit was about 1/3 full. Winning bid $825.00!

Re: Treasure story
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2011, 12:11:30 PM »
That really does sound like a "the fish was <----------> this big" type of story.  In any case he must not really have a clue what he is doing.  Even in a unit that looks like it's mostly trash you can still make some money.  Out of 8 units I've only made 1 trash run so far, and that was 1/2 full of my own trash from a re-roofing.  If he has purchased 8 units and has not at least made 1/2 of his money back he needs to just quit now.  Or better yet you should offer to clean up the locker for him and make some free money for yourself.  I love free and $1 lockers since they are easy money makers.  Your not going to make much money but every little bit helps.

Re: Treasure story
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2011, 02:02:41 PM »
Sounds like Barry Weiss from SW... That guy trashes everything..


Re: Treasure story
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2011, 09:18:02 PM »
This is a story told to me by another "newbie" locker buyer at auction.

His first unit purchased this year he paid $250. It was ALL junk, he was taking EVERYTHING to the dump. On the last tote he was loading he heard something "jingling" in the tote. He dug to the bottom and found a lock box. In the lock box was a collection of gold and silver coins. The retail value of the coin collection was $15,000!

Sounds like an Auction Hunter episode.

Allen: "Ugh! This stuff is all junk. How much did we pay for this room?"
Ton (digging into a box): Holy Crap! Allen! Allen! I found a lockbox!
*smashes it open*
Ton: Holy Crap! Silver and Gold coins!

Re: Treasure story
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2011, 09:56:11 PM »
Sounds like an Auction Hunter episode.

Allen: "Ugh! This stuff is all junk. How much did we pay for this room?"
Ton (digging into a box): Holy Crap! Allen! Allen! I found a lockbox!
*smashes it open*
Ton: Holy Crap! Silver and Gold coins!

Dont stop there.. Cut to the negotiating with a buyer

Allen:  "Mr Coinguy, I have $15,000 worth of coins that could be yours for the right price"
Coin Buyer: "Ill offer you $8,000"
Allen: "I said the right price, apparently you don't want this box of coins."
Coin Buyer: "How about $8,500"
Allen: "How about NO, how about $14,500"

Wish they would show a REAL buyer laughing and telling him to get bent.  If I was a buyer and the seller was acting like that, I'd have to show them the door.  I'm sure it happens but we'll never see it.

Personally, if I bought a locker for $250 and came across a box of coins.. I'd keep em and sell the other crap.  I'm a silverbug anyways.. and if I found gold coins, I'd be a gold bug too. 

Re: Treasure story
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2011, 12:11:04 AM »
Its worst if you score big on your 1st locker.Your always trying to that big one again and buy with reckless abandon.It almost can become a gold fever kind of thing.

Re: Treasure story
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2011, 02:48:33 PM »

Personally, if I bought a locker for $250 and came across a box of coins.. I'd keep em and sell the other crap.  I'm a silverbug anyways.. and if I found gold coins, I'd be a gold bug too. 

Amen! Silver's gonna keep going up. I'd probably stop buying storage lockers if I found $15,000 worth of gold and silver coins. That's my ultimate goal.

Re: Treasure story
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2011, 05:42:11 AM »
WEll for me it would end up in my own collection.  I roll search for silver.  Buy lots of coins about once a year to search with the kids.  If I find a nice coin collection ever in a unit it's pretty much going to stay.  I'd sale the silver and gold jewelry first.

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Re: Treasure story
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2011, 06:46:59 AM »
I just don't see how everything  can be complete dump runs. If he keeps spending $825 on a locker and takes it all to the dump and has bought 8 losers so far he can buy some where around 10 more lockers and he is done.

Re: Treasure story
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2011, 11:41:17 AM »
 Ok so the guy was loading the stuff to take to the dump without even looking through it? (B.S.) when he heard a jingle. and coins dont jingle in anything but glass..WTH kind of retard buys a locker then trash's it all without looking through the box's or even totes guess is If your dumb enough to buy this story your dumb enough to buy 8 lockers and take them to the dump without looking at what you bought...

Real good business practices for this biz.

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