Storage Auctions

Californians Beware

Offline Bane

Californians Beware
« on: February 03, 2012, 04:13:26 AM »
There has been a rash of lockers being broken into after the auctions.  It has been a lot of the top teir lockers. I have a few of my own get hit.  They either cut your lock or the hasp on the door so there is no real way to keep them out.  Its allways the bigger units 10 x 20 and up that I have heard of so far. 

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Re: Californians Beware
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2012, 10:05:19 AM »
I have a $20 alarm for traveling. Has Motion detector/pull string/mercury switch for however you want to mount it. It has a remote so you can close door and set.

Might be a good thing to toss in a locker.....

Offline Bane

Re: Californians Beware
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2012, 11:45:02 AM »
How loud is that Alarm.  The problem is when you go to the next auction they go hit your locker. The staff at these facilities are confused to say the least. They don't know who is supposed to be in the locker.  The last time when i got back to the locker about an hour later the staff says "hey your workers left the lock off your unit!" I was like wtf?

Thinking about getting a cellular alarm of some sort.

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Re: Californians Beware
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2012, 03:06:50 PM »
Ear piercing. It hurts.
Not like they couldn't find it and smash it but a deterant to stick around. And you would hear it if it's an outside locker or maybe one floor up.
It went off in my room on the third floor of a hotel and the front desk heard it.

Like I said. Not going to stop anyone but enough so most thieves would walk away.

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Re: Californians Beware
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2012, 12:25:57 PM »
i just registered today, and now i am second guessing, these higher end units, how much do they top and bottom at price wise?

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Re: Californians Beware
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2012, 12:58:46 PM »
i just registered today, and now i am second guessing, these higher end units, how much do they top and bottom at price wise?
That is relative to:

1) quality of unit goods
2) quantity of unit goods
3) crowd of bidders
4) time of month
5) etc, etc

I have seen what I consider a great locker go from $1K to $3K.  I have paid $3K a few times and $1K or therebouts a few more times than that.

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Re: Californians Beware
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2012, 02:18:02 PM »
That is relative to:

1) quality of unit goods
2) quantity of unit goods
3) crowd of bidders
4) time of month
5) etc, etc

I have seen what I consider a great locker go from $1K to $3K.  I have paid $3K a few times and $1K or therebouts a few more times than that.

dont mind if i ask :P

but did you make you money back? i am starting to think to not mess with cheap lockers, but 80$ lockers sounds fun!

1K - 3K is a risk, if no big items like furniture and  eletronics...

and how many auction you attend a day?

you might start seeing me there :)

Re: Californians Beware
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2012, 06:20:16 PM »
dont mind if i ask :P

but did you make you money back? i am starting to think to not mess with cheap lockers, but 80$ lockers sounds fun!

1K - 3K is a risk, if no big items like furniture and  eletronics...

and how many auction you attend a day?

you might start seeing me there :)

From what I can decipher  from reading all your posts, you are totally new as in never been to an auction or is that some detail you have left out?
seems that you joined here so to test the waters.

well that isnt how it works at all.
you need to get out to the auctions and WATCH some before you jump in all gungho on bidding. and you need to find a way to turn those items over... ie: Fleamarket, Ebay, Craigs list, etc or your own resale store. These things are discussed on many many threads here. This biz is not for most ppl. And the Newbies? The regs like Hestor, Darrel, even Brandi and Jarrod (and alot of this forums regulars also) will chew you up and spit you out (and those type are in EVERY AREA/State/City of this business).
To quote PureVendue from another thread here " put on your training wheels".
get out and watch a few auctions before moving forward.

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Re: Californians Beware
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2012, 08:04:52 PM »
I'll back that advice!
I just got back in after a long time outa the storage auctions.
I tried to start right where I left off and f**k that!
I'm starting small, low risk, minimum amount of labor.
Spending a lot of time and gas but meeting good contacts and relearning things.
Just eves dropping helps. Looking at what's in lockers then going home and researching what it goes for and trying to find where to sell later if you come across it again.....

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