Storage Auctions

Got one today....and comments on some California "New Buyers"

Offline MovieMan

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Got one today....and comments on some California "New Buyers"
« on: February 02, 2011, 07:54:34 PM »
Finally got one. Been about 3 weeks since the last one.

Today part of the difference was definitely the LACK of a crowd. There were only 20 or so total and 8 of those were the old-timers and people I bid against on a regular basis.

I got a 10 by 30 about half full with more bigger pieces than I like, but I sell them cheap to other buyers and let them handle and sell them. Ten big totes in back corner I haven't gotten to yet, but may not be that great given the appearance of the rest of the locker.

It only cost $80 and a week ago with 100 people in attendance I know it would have gone for $300 or more.
The sun was out....guess people were elsewhere.

Two new guys  bought a 62 Impala body; it was off the frame which was leaned against the side of the locker. It had no lights, no motor or any thing exept the body. They paid $200 and said they could get 3 grand the way it was. I don't know...maybe you do.

Continuing this in next post as screen is jumping here.

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Re: Got one today....and comments on some California "New Buyers"
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2011, 07:59:55 PM »
Part 2.  I bid on one other but a friend got it for $90....I wanted another $80 to have a matched pair! He said it was a break even after he went through it later...a 5 x 5.

Then there were 3 guys who bought one together .... a 10 x 30 completely tumbled down and with an upside down sofa in the middle. They got it for $65. I talked to them. This was their 3rd lkr(other 2 were at other locations on other days). They did OK on number 1 (forget how much they said), took a bath (bad) on #2 for $250 and now this one. When I commented on the dump runs they said they had free dumping priveleges in their county. I didn't remind them that the dump there was 40 miles from where they bought the locker. Trip home to get the truck(3) one or two trips to the dump....a lot of gas. And it didn't look too promising in the sales dept.

Finally, last guy got one for $325. His first. Looked clean. I would have liked it for $100 or so in order to make some money, and this was the real "new buyer" purchase..happy he got one....will see after sales take place. May do OK, but looks break even to me. So that's a day in the central valley  !

Edit: Found a Levenger Rosewood fountain pen in a nice wood box and the outer paper box and instructions. They go on the web site for $50 and up though I could not find the rosewood model. Ebay has Levengers from $25 and up. It's a start !

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Got one today....and comments on some California "New Buyers"
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2011, 09:31:42 AM »
Feels lonely (here on the forum in the West) but the auctions still have warm bodies showing up.
I got another $80 the other day and gave away a nice couch to a guy who can handle bigger stuff. I sell "breadbox" size items for the most part and don't mind helping out someone less fortunate with a large item donation now and again.

Going to 3 auctions today and will report back here later.

Re: Got one today....and comments on some California "New Buyers"
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2011, 10:23:45 AM »
Do you offer the big stuff to other bidders right there on the spot, or do you go thru it all and offer it to them later?

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Got one today....and comments on some California "New Buyers"
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2011, 11:15:50 AM »
Do you offer the big stuff to other bidders right there on the spot, or do you go thru it all and offer it to them later?

Sometimes I'll announce it to the crowd right after I've bought the locker (depends on the facility and the auctioneer...some won't allow it).

After I put my lock on I'll say something like..."First 50 dollars takes the couch and love seat!" or "First 20 dollars takes the fridge!"  It has worked several times.

Other times I will approach individual buyers (some of the ones who can only buy $1 and $5 lockers) and either give it to them or charge them some mimimal amount.

My goal is to save myself from loading the big items. I really don't like to take them to a flea and or move them to my permanent storage for CL selling.

Re: Got one today....and comments on some California "New Buyers"
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2011, 07:32:28 PM »
Hey movieman,good to see someone in California, I am down south between LA and San Diego,been at this for about a year,still a noob but did start before the "show"

The crowds down here have been enormous compared to a year ago and the pricing reflects that.

On a happy note all reports are that the crowds are thinning substantially,however I recently found an off line auctioneer and have been following him for weeks now so have not witnessed the "big" auctioneers crowds in a while so cant say with certainty.

Nice to meet ya,

Re: Got one today....and comments on some California "New Buyers"
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2011, 11:09:22 PM »
Hi.  I am a new buyer here in Southern California too.  I went to my first auction a few weeks ago and scored a great unit for only $280.  There were only about 10 bidders there with 6 units for sale.  I thought, "this is easy!"  My second auction had about 50 people with crazy high prices for junk. I guess it is very random around here.  I think the more advertising there is, the more money it will be because of competition.  I am learning fast. ;)  I am going to a couple more this week.  We will see how it goes. . .

Re: Got one today....and comments on some California "New Buyers"
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2011, 11:41:43 PM »
Seems to increase when the new season storage shows start.

Re: Got one today....and comments on some California "New Buyers"
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2011, 12:22:40 AM »
Unfortunately, the "Storage Shows" just seem to be getting more and more popular too.  I think I will stay clear of all of the "American Auctioneers" locations since that is who is on Storage Wars.  It might be fun just to go to a local one to be on a show but I would not expect to win anything there! 

Re: Got one today....and comments on some California "New Buyers"
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2011, 08:50:11 PM »
where do you guys get info for the auctions?  I know Dotson is not the only person selling units

How do you "prompt" eBay buyers to make their payment?

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