Storage Auctions

The Liquidation of Christine Kessler's property- (semi-famous photographer)

 :13: :13: :13:
I love storage unit auctions, but they are auctioning off the contents of C. Kessler's house inside the actual house. Instead of not being able to see the contents, like in storage get to walk through the entire house and the contents are displayed.  Pretty damn cool and creepy if you are into haunted house auctions. I would end with a spooky emoticon-OOOooooooOOOOooooo, but there isnt one! 4966 marathon st. los angeles ca 90029

Offline alloro

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I would end with a spooky emoticon-OOOooooooOOOOooooo, but there isnt one!

Any one of these would do. :29: :d030: :sign0135: :a102:

Offline Travis

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This post is probably spam but I'll let it fly. Besides, one of you Californians may want to own Christine Kessler's spatula or something.  :celebrate:

I know where the house is used to be one of her best friends but I can't determine from this post when the date and time is can anyone help me with that thank you

Offline Travis

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I know where the house is used to be one of her best friends but I can't determine from this post when the date and time is can anyone help me with that thank you

You can send the original poster a private message by clicking on the message icon below her username. Let us know if you find out the date/time.

Offline amc

sale was slated for June 27th of this year

I wouldn’t mind owning anything that Christine Kessler has previously owned. I am so used to seeing storage auctions, and doing it blindly but this auction last year was quite the talk of the town. I wonder, were there any heirs who laid claim to her property? Or was it specifically said in her will to auction everything off?

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