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Anyone have information of Hamilton Brown Shoe Makers boots?

I have 1 leather ladies boot, I believe it is from the late to mid 1800's, possibly early 1900's.

I can still read the information on the sole.  It has the same exact style logo as all of the Hamilton Brown Shoe Company logos I see on the internet, but the information is different.

On the top of the logo on this shoe it says "Hamilton Brown Shoes", on the bottom of the circle between the ribbons it says "Makers", and in the middle it says Hamilton.

Most of the logos I see on the internet are as follows:  The top says "Hamilton Brown", bottom says "shoe co" and in the middle it will say either "Makers", "Quality", or "Gentleman".

The major difference I see is that the one on the bottom of my boot does not depict the word company "co".  Could this be made sometime before they considered themselves a company?

I will take pictures of the boot and post them along with examples of the logos I find on image searches.

I am just trying to do a little history resaerch of this boot to get an idea of its possible value.  I have never really dealt a lot with antiques, especially boots and shoes.  

The condition is no where near new looking, the leather is dried and cracked, the top around the ankle support is ripped some, and the shoe lace is in two pieces, though it does still have both of the metal aglets and all of the metal eyelets.  The sole is complete, but not in excellent shape and the heal is dried and cracked.

After I post pics, if anyone has an idea of what it may be worth, please let me know.  I will try to have the pics posted tonight or tomorrow.

update **** I have not found a picture of a boot sole with the log on it, only shipping crates with their logo.  I will keep looking for a logo on an actual sole to post a copy of.

Re: Anyone have inforation of Hamilton Brown Shoe Makers boots?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2011, 05:05:40 PM »

Re: Anyone have inforation of Hamilton Brown Shoe Makers boots?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2011, 05:49:29 PM »
I found some information on the history of the company.  I also found out that Brown Shoe Company is still in business, which was originally Hamilton-Brown Shoe Company.

I found their website and emailed them to get some leads to follow to find the history of this boot.

Also, I looking inside the boot after I raised the tounge and have found what looks to be a serial number.  Hopefully my search does not lead to a lot of dead ends.

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