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Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?

Offline dbr831

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Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« on: October 29, 2013, 10:08:23 AM »
I have listed quite a few new things lately and it seems like no one is buying. Has anyone else noticed a slow down? Craigslist also.

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Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2013, 10:15:23 AM »
I have listed quite a few new things lately and it seems like no one is buying. Has anyone else noticed a slow down? Craigslist also.

I get that feeling too. Also cList has been deleting (pink delete) some of my listings lately. Sometimes I will just RENEW an item and it will go up OK but then an hour later it has been pink deleted. What's up with that?

Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2013, 11:51:45 AM »
Craigslist is dead as a doornail for me. I've moved all my items onto a Facebook page and share those items with various local yard sale groups and I'm doing much better.

Ebay has been busy for me though. Lots of sales this week. Made about $700 once these current auctions complete. Still have a few more vintage items to put out there too.

As for Craigslist, I think my ads have all worn out their welcome. Time to freshen them up a bit. Once these run through their 48 hour repost cycle, I'm going to pull them down for a week. Completely disappear, then repost with rock bottom prices to move stuff. Hopefully that'll work.

Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2013, 11:59:50 AM »
there has been a ton said about ebays new search engine , someone named crazeenydriver on you tube did a great video in the last week or 2 on his ebay search findings i reccomend watching it

craigslist for me has always been product and season driven
good quality stuff in season will go fairly quickly if priced well, if you price top dollar its going to sit there

Offline dbr831

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Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2013, 04:21:53 PM »
there has been a ton said about ebays new search engine , someone named crazeenydriver on you tube did a great video in the last week or 2 on his ebay search findings i reccomend watching it

craigslist for me has always been product and season driven
good quality stuff in season will go fairly quickly if priced well, if you price top dollar its going to sit there

I just watched this youtube video and a few others. This was very halpful, I think. Too soon to tell but I have already learned a lot that I never considered. I am apparently doing everything wrong in how I list items so will be making some changes. Thanks for the tip.

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Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2013, 10:56:27 AM »
if you want to know if ebay is slow you need to sign up for a terapeak account. its not cheap like $80 a month but its amazing hte type of data you can get. just for example if you want to ask about a certain item or category i could tell you how many were sold, at what pricepoints, who sold them, what their listing keywords were, etc. im sure ebay ebbs and flows in business during certain seasons and such but basically if an item isn't selling there either isn't deman or it isn't priced right.

Offline dbr831

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Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2013, 10:28:52 AM »
Sold a few things in the last couple days but still very slow. Still reading up on the EBAY search engine and it seems like most of the stuff I'm finding to improve sales just really doesn't pertain to the kind of stuff I am selling. You know, unique collectible stuff as opposed to large quantities of new common stuff. I'm dealing with hundreds of boxes of unique vintage items which seem to all have value (based on what I am seeing in closed listings on EBAY) but it is just so frustrating to spend hours and hours sorting, photographing and listing stuff to have 2 or 3 things sell or get a bid each day. Then you get the nonpayers! I had one lady buy a necklace for $131.00 and took over 3 weeks to pay. I feel like I am sitting on a potential gold mine of stuff but just can't sell it. I have managed to make back my initial investment but still have two storage units full of stuff costing me more money each month, one all furniture (even harder to sell) so thats frustrating also.  Furthermore, I can't go to storage auctions anymore because I already have too much stuff and I LIKE going to storage auctions! Actually went to one recently just for fun with no intention of bidding.

Sorry, needed to vent a little......

Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2013, 10:57:35 AM »
My eBay, sales have been slow this past month or so as well, also sales have been pretty stagnant on the local facebook groups. A buddy of mine said people are holdig onto their money until black friday, after that sales should pick up. I hope he is right. I may just have some of my items priced to high, but if I can't get what I am looking to get, it isn't worth the time and effort. Here's hoping sales pick up after Black Friday, i have quite a few things that would make great Christmas gifts.  :(

Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2013, 08:08:41 PM »
I have listed quite a few new things lately and it seems like no one is buying. Has anyone else noticed a slow down? Craigslist also.

Don't know, I sold $500 for stuff in October on Ebay, not too bad of a month for me. I listed a bunch of stuff on Craigslist and nothing sold yet. 

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Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2013, 08:58:12 PM »
I have listed quite a few new things lately and it seems like no one is buying. Has anyone else noticed a slow down? Craigslist also.

Both venues have improved for me in November. It does seem to come in waves though. The only way to really tell would be to list "x" items in one month and then in the following month (or two) just list the ones that didn't sell the first time around. If they don't sell in subsequent months, then it's the items themselves that are the problem. Of course no one would conduct that kind of experiment .... at least not without adding new items as well each month.  ;D


Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2013, 09:09:17 AM »
I don't think so .

Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2013, 04:04:47 PM »
I don't think so .

Now that was a post worth signing up for.

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Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2013, 05:04:08 PM »
Now that was a post worth signing up for.

We all have to start somewhere.   ;) Welcome to the forum DearJohn.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2013, 05:23:36 PM »
I don't think so .

We can expect spam any day now.

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Re: Is EBAY super slow lately or is it just me?
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2013, 12:36:01 PM »
depending on what you sell xmas season can be great or slow. it can be great if what you sell is a popular gift or could be a gift, if you sell other things probably slow. anything from used tools to silver and other metals, etc all this stuff that peoplee tend to buy for themselves i find that people dont spend money on themselves because they are cash strapped from buying gifts, traveling over holidays etc.

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