Love going to fleas and swaps. I pick, don't sell.
But I do sell a lot to the vendors. I usually go a few times, talk to the sellers, see what they always have then if I come across something I'll go to them. But it's always a bit uneasy.
Question to all you that sell at markets. Is it bad form to just walk up and say I got this, you interested?
Cause when ever I do it that way they kinda blow me off or offer just nothing.
Like this weekend I had an end table. Guy had like pieces so I offered it to him for $15. He didn't look and just said no. Stall next to him offers $5.
As a seller (part time). Offering a piece of furniture to a vendor for more than $5, will never work. We passed on a real nice wooden trunk for $20, because we did not have room to take it home.
If you found a vendor with a permanent spot and they sell furniture maybe but still will offer little.
Maybe the attitude you get is for your price.

. Trying to make a profit of the vendors usually does not work. If someone offered me something to buy it would have to be dirt cheap. Just for the hassle of figuring out how to get it home if it did not sell.
I have seen lots of things for sale for flea market or thrift store on CL. In my opinion they want to much for a tub of knick knacks.
Maybe you should be a seller once or twice then you could see the vendors side. Loading unloading ect.
Could take everything you want to sell to vendors and set up a booth. They will come to you. Then no uneasy feelings they are customers.
Hope this helps.