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3 items you cant bring yourself to sell at prices the market seems to offer?

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If your anything like me you have some items you think of as valuable or you think could be big ticket items if you found the right buyer but keep getting no interest or low ball offers?

What are 3 items youve been holding onto waiting for the right buyer to come along? also whats an item or two youve held forever and finally sold for much less than you hoped for?

i had a few of these from my garage sale the other day.

Offline jrossjr79

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Sports collector memorabilia - end up selling it for a lot less than I felt I should of gotten.

Record collection with some very hard to find rare records - Still holding on to them, keep getting really low offers.

Sports Collection -- have baseball and racing cards / other items from 90s - 2000.  Some of the cards I know are crap as mass producted but others, including promo, autograph cards not gotten a decent offer yet.

Most everything else I've been able to sale or not interested in selling it.

I still got two boxes of dan marino/ dolphins memerobillia- rookies, autographs, cards(bout 100 are dan marino) statues, limited edition plates, plaqes, cups
And a box of old angels stuff pedants, plaqes, bottles

I sold one card for 50 bucks the other day

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lol, guess it is safe to say everyone is having troubles with sports memorabilia.

Items for me is a craftsman tool box full of tools. Keep getting offers at least 100 below asking price also fluke mutimeter... Sorry cant think of a third.

My Budweiser steins the market is in the toilet.

Items for me is a craftsman tool box full of tools. Keep getting offers at least 100 below asking price also fluke mutimeter... Sorry cant think of a third.

Man i got someone that could move that in a heartbeat

I can see with the records and sports memorabilia, as I collect both of those things.

Sports memorabilia really tanked with Ebay. And before that when fleer, topps, and donruss started making way to many cards in the early 90's. Which if your a collector, you can get some great stuff for cheap. No longer do you have to go to a card shop or a card show to get a card you need. Check ebay and there are a few.

As far as records are concerned, I buy and sell records pretty much for a living now. A record can be insanely rare, but if the music isnt any good, and nobody wants it, its worthless. I have some 50's and 60's country acetates, which probably only exist with 3 or 4 copies, and they arent worth squat.

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What are 3 items youve been holding onto waiting for the right buyer to come along? 

1. 1980's "Miami Vice style men's sport coat in white.  2. Dukes of Hazard Underroos  3. My wife
                      (Crocket version, not Tubs)

Offline rulesforrebels

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Question for anyone really into sportscardss and the whole scene. When I was a kid sports cards were HUGE mainly baseball but all sports I suppose. We used to spend all our money on cards were more into cards than video games or anything. Used to go to conventions to collect and sell as well as get autographs.

Are kids today still into cards? I'm mid 20's so not that old but it seems to me like I was the last generation really into cards eeither that or I juts dont know what kids are into these days but it seems to me they are more into computers, phones, video games and justin bieber and all that crap.

Why the drop in sports card prices and memorbilia? You always hear people say they produced too many cards in the '90s and I do agree with that but how does that explain autograph values decining, memorbilia decining and evne older card values declining before hte mass cards were produced?

Is it the economy? Less disposable income to spend on stuff? Is it too much stuff was produced? Or just lack of interest? Curious what others have to say?

Offline jrossjr79

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Question for anyone really into sportscardss and the whole scene. When I was a kid sports cards were HUGE mainly baseball but all sports I suppose. We used to spend all our money on cards were more into cards than video games or anything. Used to go to conventions to collect and sell as well as get autographs.

Are kids today still into cards? I'm mid 20's so not that old but it seems to me like I was the last generation really into cards eeither that or I juts dont know what kids are into these days but it seems to me they are more into computers, phones, video games and justin bieber and all that crap.

Why the drop in sports card prices and memorbilia? You always hear people say they produced too many cards in the '90s and I do agree with that but how does that explain autograph values decining, memorbilia decining and evne older card values declining before hte mass cards were produced?

Is it the economy? Less disposable income to spend on stuff? Is it too much stuff was produced? Or just lack of interest? Curious what others have to say?

I use to collect them. But kids now a days, they want that instant gratification. Collecting of anything is rare with kids, unless you consider a mass collection of video games or movies to be a collection.

I think its a large variety of things that made cards decrease in value. Now you have ebay and other similiar places selling all kinds of collections for near to nothing. I think this is one of the major reasons. Before you would have a smaller netowrk to get that one of a kinds baseball card or simiilar collections. Now you can be in touch with just about everyone. This really hurts the collection side of things. As far as the people that try to make a living off of it that is.

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