Storage Auctions

Hardest things to find in storage units

Re: Hardest things to find in storage units
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2014, 05:35:13 PM »
I thought I'd be able to score some vintage video gaming stuff.. like original Nintendo stuff.. I've found 1 game. The Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt combo game that came with the system. Funny how people don't store that kind of stuff anymore.

Re: Hardest things to find in storage units
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2014, 10:23:38 PM »
Modern video game systems and games.  I've never found a PS3 or an Xbox 360, but I've actually come across a lot of vintage Nintendo stuff. 

Gold, it seems like every jewelry box is full of costume jewelry and maybe a little silver.  The grandma units have a lot of empty jewelry boxes in them, like maybe the kids took the jewelry when they moved everything into the unit.

I've yet to find a nice bicycle, only Walmart type quality or rusty old bikes.

Re: Hardest things to find in storage units
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2014, 01:09:57 AM »
Funny about the Xbox / PS3...  I bid on one unit that had a PS3 showing and a flat panel about 40" showing (facing the wall)  Paid $425.   I ended up finding no less than 3 ps3's and 7 360's as well as a host of other video game systems.  The real kicker.  The previous owner was a tweaker.  EVERY SINGLE ONE had been taken apart messed up inside and pretty well broken beyond repair.  Made more money off the clothing in the unit than all the electronics combined. Couple pair of alligator skin boots kept it from being a total loss.

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