Storage Auctions

Is the return on effort and money spent worth it in this storage auction busine?

Offline rulesforrebels

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Just curious your guys opinion on whether the time, money, and effort spent hustling storage units and selling the merchandise is worth the return?

A few years back I was all about storage auctions. Stumbled into the ecommerce arena which in some ways is the same as storage auctions but found I could make more money easier and without having to put in as much time as with storage auctions.

None the less I'm planning on getting back into storage auctions, partially for the money but even more so just because I enjoy the surprise of finding whats in a locker, finding things for myself to use around my home as well as finding items to resell.

I guess my point for me personally though I'll gladly take the money if it were strictly aboutthe money imho there's easier ways to make a buck, this really is a hustle, but I enjoy it so thats why I'm still doing it.

Offline dbr831

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I don't think so. If I was doing this solely to make a living I would not do it. I have made good money doing it and it can be an adventure but I wouldn't want to make a living doing this. It is HARD WORK! If I kept track of the hours spent standing around at auctions, cleaning out units, dump runs, research, listing on EBAY, packing and shipping....probably less than minimum wage!

Offline Travis

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The key to making money in this business is buying and selling in volume.

If you buy more units and hire labor to do the grunt work, you'll end up making more money than you would trying to do everything on your own. Plus, you'll have more free time and your back won't hurt as much.

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