Storage Auctions

Suggestions for new people looking into this

Offline MTP

Re: Suggestions for new people looking into this
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2013, 07:15:28 PM »
Here in CALI you can sell TVs and Monitors to prof. recyclers.
They sell them back to the state. Part of keeping that junk out of landfills.
Only have to sign a paper swearing it was from CA and you owned it.
Limits the volume a little as they actually check on that.
So large volume might become a problem.
Just use friends, family etc IDs.
They pay 3 to 6 cents a lbs. Not much but adds up quickly to 25-30 bucks for a quick 20 minute roundtrip to the recycler.

Charities here LOVE them. I believe if you are registerted directly with the state you get 49.5 cents a lbs.
Charities here usually don't even bother trying to sell them in their stores. palletize them and make big $$ with the state.

Other electronics go for 2-3 cents.
Cell phones $1.
Insulated copper wire $0.80-1.00
Odds and ends stuff depending on type 6-30 cents.
All prices per lbs.

All adds up!!!

Re: Suggestions for new people looking into this
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2013, 03:17:04 AM »
My biggest problem isn't even the CRT's. It's those damn rear projector tv's. One would think you could have a garage sale, wheel out a dozen 55-60" tv's that have hdmi hookups and be able to sell them for $25 a pop. One would be wrong. A few years back they flew out the door and you could always find them because no one wanted to move the big honkin things. Now they are a plague like mattresses taking up a lot of space and I cant get rid of them to save my life. Plus, unlike the endless parade of dingy and discolored mattresses, I cant burn them... :(

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