Storage Auctions

The One Thing You Saved Forever That You Know Was Worth Money

I was cleaning out my garage and realized I have many things that I have saved because I just know they are worth money.

Making that money materalize is a whole different mater.
Walking that line between a hoarder and a collector can be a fine line.

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Re: The One Thing You Saved Forever That You Know Was Worth Money
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2011, 03:35:24 PM »

Walking that line between a hoarder and a collector can be a fine line.

ha ain't that the truth

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: The One Thing You Saved Forever That You Know Was Worth Money
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2011, 07:15:02 PM »
So far I have not saved to much because I know I can get more money. There is only a few things that are in my storage right now, but have not held onto to long. I have found if I hold my ground, I eventually get it sold for what I want. This is with the exception of that sports memorobilia, I just got tired of looking at it. I did hold onto an old beat up trunk for almost a year, because no one wanted to buy it unless I dropped my price I restored it myself. Was asking $50, would of taken $200 to restore it, after been restored it would of been worth between $250 - $350. But finally sold it last week for the $50 I wanted for it.

Now just to get rid of some vintage japanese prints and a counter weight scale.

Re: The One Thing You Saved Forever That You Know Was Worth Money
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2011, 04:21:26 PM »
Yeah the tendency to hoard in this business is strong. I set a 90 day rule of thumb. If an item say an antique chest is worth 400 I'll list it for 300 for a month and keep revising / enhancing the listing everywhere but holding the price. After the first month I'll drop my asking price by 30% making the selling price 210 for another month and revice my listings, if it goes to a third month I'll drop the price another 30% making the selling price 147 and hold it there until it sells or I firesale it to generate cash at the 90 day point. Those are steep steps but I seldom get to the 90 day point. My goal is to make as much as I can but other than precious metals gems jewelry certificates valuable art, nothing is worth hanging on to for a long time.

Well I either saved money or lost none.

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