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What do you all do with the clothes you find?

Offline Cobia

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Re: What do you all do with the clothes you find?
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2013, 09:18:14 PM »
How did I miss the announcement that you getting into a store ?  If I missed a thread can you give me a link, or otherwise fill me (us) in.  With only 10 or so posts a day of late on the forum almost ANY news is good news !

Craigslstauction hasn't been active for about 3 months here, rockintheretro and the gal from Florida have been absent for what seems like a year.....pretty DULL around here.

Yeah I got a good deal on some warehouse space and it was large enough to set up a section of it as a store. Sort of a hybrid re-sell store/ discount warehouse. It's kind of off the beaten path so it's not really in a good retail location even though it is zoned for commercial business. We thought since we are already paying for the space why not try to do yard sales there.

Re: What do you all do with the clothes you find?
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2013, 07:45:50 AM »
In my store, I've only got 650 sq. ft. of space.. (MM I know that I said 900 sq. ft., that's a long story for a fresh post which is coming next) We set up 2 clothing racks, one round and one square multi level. The room that we have set for clothes now feels like it's encumbered by these clothing racks. One rack is for kids clothes, one for men's and women's. We have some cube shelving for jeans/pants, those screw into the wall and shouldn't take up too much space.. But we have way too many clothes for our space.

Re: What do you all do with the clothes you find?
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2013, 09:07:25 PM »
At the moment I pretty much give away any clothing I get that doesn't look like it would fetch $10 plus on ebay.  Seems a waste but I really don't have a good location for yard sales.  3 hours in the sun, one person stops...  I have been kicking around an idea that might move them for some profit though.  I was thinking to build them up in boxes on a pallet, then auction the whole pallet on ebay.  Even if the clothes go for nothing I might be able to find a regular buyer who owns a thrift store that wants them.

Offline dbr831

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Re: What do you all do with the clothes you find?
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2013, 09:45:30 AM »
I sell brand name or nicer stuff on Ebay. Baby clothes in lots on Ebay. Occasionally jeans in lots on Ebay. Otherwise I save all jeans, shoes and nicer jackets or sweatshirts for future garage sales. Everything else goes to the Goodwill or is given away. Only do 2 or 3 garage sales a year so anything that doesn't go in the garage sale is also given away. Too bulky to save stuff like that.

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