Storage Auctions

What i sthe average cost you spend

Offline bwd111

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What i sthe average cost you spend
« on: October 21, 2011, 10:26:37 AM »
after you have won your unit. Extra expense meaning gas to dump yard,pay to dumpand if you do rent a space as well. I have dumpsters at work to use as well as free box truck and free gas so when I buy a unit its just the cost for the unit. I was just interested cause I know some people rent uhauls and storage

Re: What i sthe average cost you spend
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2011, 07:39:20 PM »
I do have one 10X10 locker that I pay $.89.00 per.I use it as a sorting staging area for purchases.Ebay,Craigslist,Flea Market & auction.Only use my truck for trasporting.

Its awesome that you have the other resources.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: What i sthe average cost you spend
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2011, 11:48:50 AM »
My extra expenses being:
$89 per month for my locker (which is now closed)
20 - 60 in gas per month
$50 per month on dump runs (it helps when you got someone who will pick it all up for $50 :) )
around $15 - $25 in packaging, handling and shipping a month
Labor expenses (this reawlly depends, I usually hire by the day and pay $10 an hour for just loading, hauling, and unloading). Never had to pay more than 4 hours in a given day, and no more than 25 hours in the week.

Re: What i sthe average cost you spend
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2011, 03:02:05 PM »
Hmm - for me I don't really calculate things since I do this as a hobby.  I'll be doing my first dump run this week.  Can't calculate the cost since it is going to be a mix of unit trash (from 8 different units), shingles from a re-roofing of the shed, and other misc trash from around the house.  If I had to do an approx it would be:

$75 week for 1 tank gas.  For most part the auctions / winning units are on my way to/from work.  Was 1 week I actually had to do an extra fill-up that week due to a ton of running around and even part of that was a trip to my sisters house.

Storage - $0 -- have 2 barns/sheds that I have all my junk and now storage buys in.

Labor - $0 -- I stay to small units or units I can clean myself w/ the appliance dolly.  If more then that call father or brother-in-law.

If I actually start to make money doing this or father starts to do it full-time after he retires yet again then we will keep tallies and such.  Currently I only keep a buy / sale excel file that mostly stays in the red.  All the things I keep I don't calculate as a sale unless it's cash.  With most units I buy to keep then sale.

Re: What i sthe average cost you spend
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2011, 01:41:30 AM »
40 bucks 1/2 off first mon rent at extra space storage
I try an get it out before the month is up
Flea market fees vary depending on items i go to diff ones accordingly
I MAY rent a truck if i buy a packed locker, but usually my van will do it

Offline money4nothing

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Re: What i sthe average cost you spend
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2011, 05:11:00 AM »
Lucky you have those resources. We are still paying for our education. If you calculate our time and gas to the auctions we are in the red. Good you are looking into the other expenses of doing this. If you can't have a yard sale every weekend you will have expenses for selling, Fee-bay, Flea-market, ect good luck

Re: What i sthe average cost you spend
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2011, 02:45:44 PM »
Honestly, I should keep better track. But..

Travel $0 I work the auctions in to trips to that area for my other business. I try not to buy lockers that won't fit in my full size van. Been known to sell items to others that wanted one item from the locker on site.

Dump runs $60 a ton. I avoid them as much as I can. I pay 100 a month for the 3 yard dumpster behind my shop. I use that as much as possible. tipped once a week.

Storage? I turn and burn on a lot of items I buy. IE, I dump clothing on CL in lots, I find i do better asking $50 for a tote bin of infant clothing than trying to price it and list it outfit by outfit. Might make more, but it's much easier to lay it all out, snap a photo and list it as a lot. I'll price large items 10-25% less than others on CL to move them quickly.

When I do need to store something I keep it in the basement of my business. I pay $100 a month for the 1500 square foot basement. (Inaccessible except through my shop. but he wanted "something" for it) but a good 50% of that is unrelated to storage lockers down there.

I should mention I am a bit like Berry in the show. I buy looking for things I want to keep. I always want to make money on the locker. Thankfully the items I keep tend to be items no one wants anyways ;)

How much work do you spend on selling your stuff?

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