Storage Auctions

What is the standard "cleaning deposit" in your area and how is it interpreted?

Offline MovieMan

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In my area of California several of the auctioneers get a $25 to $100 cleaning deposit from buyers.
It varies from auctioneer to auctioneer and from site to site though.

Most auctioneers get $100 or so from buyers they don't know (you know who) and maybe zero to $25 from people who have been around a year or more.

One auctioneer collects no deposits at ANY of the properties where he does auctions, but woe be to you if you don't clean out a locker.

And then there's the interpretation of what a cleaning deposit really is. I'll let you chime in on that.

Here in Memphis we don't have a locker deposit.
If you don't clean it out, you get banned for life on future auctions.

In the Seattle area, $100 is pretty much the standard deposit for facilities that collect them.  I bought two units yesterday at a place in Everett and they charged me one $100 deposit and tied it to both units, so I had to get both cleaned out before I would get my $100 back (which I did today).   I'd say it's split about 50/50 on facilities that charge a deposit and those that don't, but like Mr. Andersen said, if you don't clean out your unit, you aren't coming back!

No deposit on the places I do yet.  But as others have said if you do not clean out your units then you will be blacklisted no more auctions for you.

How much do you pay for dump fees on the junk that gets thrown away?We pay $20-$30 per appliance.That includes monitors,tv's,computers,washing/dryer machine,water tanks ect..

$2.50 for each trash bag under 30gallon.The bags cant contain any oil,paints or other hazardous material.Furniture is $15-$20 each.Mattress are $20-$30 each.Oil,batteries,florescent lights and scrap metal are free to dispose.

So far every storage unit i have seen would cost me more to dump it then what it was worth.It looks like a lot of people are using storage units to throw away all there junk,because in the long run it is cheaper to do it that way then to haul it off to the dump.Why care if you default on it when you are in bankruptcy.

Iam also seeing junk showing up next to dumpsters behind Malls and shopping centers,because the dump fees are to high.Dose any one think this will be a problem in the long run?

Offline MovieMan

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No wonder you see trash at mall dumpsters. Those prices you quoted are murder and would definitely put a crimp in making money in my area. In California we have a lot of laws about paint and such, but the prices for dumping vary by county.

In my area you can take a full pickup truck load (loaded HIGH) for $15 to $20 and that would include mattresses, old furniture, etc. If you have any old tvs or monitors on board you simply declare them (no extra cost) and they are put at the side of the dump area and collected by workers inside.

Those prices you quoted are incredible...what state are you in?


No wonder you see trash at mall dumpsters. Those prices you quoted are murder and would definitely put a crimp in making money in my area. In California we have a lot of laws about paint and such, but the prices for dumping vary by county.

In my area you can take a full pickup truck load (loaded HIGH) for $15 to $20 and that would include mattresses, old furniture, etc. If you have any old tvs or monitors on board you simply declare them (no extra cost) and they are put at the side of the dump area and collected by workers inside.

Those prices you quoted are incredible...what state are you in?


In Maine you Can get about $25 for a junk washer Machine and about $20 for a dryer because of the price of steel, I look on craigslist in the free section if I have not much going on for the day I pick up any free washer and dryer I Can...easy Money, maybe your local steel yard will do the same thing? price of steel is crazy high right now..Mike

Offline jrossjr79

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Standard deposit here is $50. Some facilities wil put a $100 block on it though. So if I bought 1 unit it would be $50, or if I bought 3 or 4 or 5, or how many I get, it will be only $100. Came across one that has no deposit and no tax (loved that one).

Offline MovieMan

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Standard deposit here is $50. Some facilities wil put a $100 block on it though. So if I bought 1 unit it would be $50, or if I bought 3 or 4 or 5, or how many I get, it will be only $100. Came across one that has no deposit and no tax (loved that one).

Welcome to the forums....up and running with informative responses in 18 posts.

In regard to the quote above, GENERALLY, where is "here"?

Offline Travis

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$50-$100. $0 if the auctioneer knows you. $150 if the auctioneer doesn't like you.

Offline jrossjr79

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Welcome to the forums....up and running with informative responses in 18 posts.

In regard to the quote above, GENERALLY, where is "here"?

Thank you, and sorry, here is San Antonio, TX :)

My neck of the woods it's generally $40, with a few places that ask $50.

What is a cleaning deposit? Why do I have to pay it? Do I get it back?

Started by MovieMan

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