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What items of militaria have you gotten in lockers?

Offline MovieMan

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What items of militaria have you gotten in lockers?
« on: February 03, 2011, 10:49:17 PM »
I have gotten vintage WWII items (really like those) and Vietnam era as well. I haven't gotten any clothing or other items from current conflicts though.

My best WWII item was a GI canteen with palm tree picture scratched in by a grunt. This trench art is great.
I have also gotten trench art made from empty shell casings...made into ash trays, etc.

My favorite piece of ammo "art" was a shell that still appeared to contain a slug, but when you pull the slug from the casing there was a knife blade attached to the base of the slug...not a very effective knife, but interesting.

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Re: What items of militaria have you gotten in lockers?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2011, 12:58:44 AM »
Cool stuff.  I got some stuff from WW2 and Korean War I think. Got a german knife hooked end for the handle with wood handle and wood sheeth, has carving on it.

A couple US helmets. A blackjack or whatever you call those spring sticks with teh bb sacs on the end. A bunch of those rank sticks with oak leaves and other pins on them.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: What items of militaria have you gotten in lockers?
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2011, 08:51:30 AM »
I talked to a seller of "military collectibles" at a big show lately and she indicated the surplus sellers are having a hard time right now. Apparently unlike past wars we only stock enough supplies now to meet current needs (uniforms, etc) so there is not as much surplus. She was selling 45 cal holsters from WWII for $100. Or at least that was the price she had on them.

Re: What items of militaria have you gotten in lockers?
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2011, 01:40:48 PM »
Not much, I did just find a couple bags of uniforms but they are 1990 vintage.  The helmet was there as well.  Did get a Ukranian peaked cap out of a unit once.  Also found a WWII era M4 bayonet for the m1 carbine in a unit but it was rusty and in poor shape.

What items of militaria have you gotten in a locker ?

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