Storage Auctions

Indiana Here

Indiana Here
« on: April 02, 2011, 06:35:11 PM »
Well I am definitely a NOOBIE, gonna break my cherry pretty soon.

My main problem is I can only get to these auctions on Saturdays.  I've been to 2 last couple weeks.  First one a little disappointed because they piece auction everything for $1 to $20, I bought a couple small tools there, spent $8, but damn did that auction move slow.  Over 100 people, took the1 1/2 hours to go thru 1st unit, and had 14 units in that auction.  I stayed 3 hours til they got thru the 1st 5, then I lost my interest.  They had the other lockers open and mainly looked like trash to me.

Today went to another auction down south, they cut the locks off in front of us.  Auction the way we are used to, only thing was 200+ people at this one.  Funny thing was it really didn't seem like prices were to out of line though.  Had 10 units seen one w/garden tools and 2 tires go for $25 and I crammed 10x30 w/someones whole gararge, full of tools and trashcans full of garage stuff, went for $1200, lot of work for $1200 but someone definitely w/make 3x money on that one.  Bidded on a couple but didn't win anything.  One went for $45 w/what looked like a cat pissed on couch, but there was 6 uhaul boxes closed in the back, my whole drive back wandering what was in those boxes, but did not want that nasty couch.

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Re: Indiana Here
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2011, 07:09:25 PM »
Gary, Indiana of Music Man fame ?

Probably not, but welcome to the forums and thanks for the nicely detailed report.
Sounds like a lot of the ones we have all seen.

Re: Indiana Here
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2011, 07:59:49 PM »
Tks man, no i am from indy here.

Looking forward to going to more of these as soon as I get one bought I will shoot a pic for u guys.

You guys watch U tube very much, some very good info from a couple different guys on there, watch them daily.  I used to be a power seller on ebay 4 yrs ago, so I think I can get a good feel for this.  Also working on making a list of local places to consign diff. things,  and of course craiglist. 

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Re: Indiana Here
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2011, 01:25:15 PM »
Welcome to the forums! Good luck! Let us know when you get your first

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Re: Indiana Here
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2011, 03:21:28 PM »
hey welcome. good luck with future auctions. if your only avalable on saturdays that makes it a little tougher but still can be done.

i went to a police auction this past saturday, i really enjoyed it, if you already have experience with ebay and resale you could probably do good with those auctions. those auctions you can actually pick what kinda products you want and knowing price points is for resale on stuff is key.

im more of a casual ebay seller, an for storage stuff ebay is a last resort if I cant get rid of stuff otherways. Honestly im kinda scared to sell on ebay anymore especially high dollar items. I treat ebay like loaning money to family, if your not willing to be out product and money dont list it w/ their buyer favoring policies.

I was just curious from smoene who used to be a powerseler. What made you leave ebay? What types of items were you selling? Is being a powerseller worthwhile, what kind of extra perks did you get?

Also heres a few Indianapolis auctions for you to get started with...

Re: Indiana Here
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2011, 08:49:26 PM »
Hey Rules,

As far as Ebay goes, if I do go back to using it, it will be only for small items that sell for $50 or more.  One of main reasons I got away from them, is all the charges, and now I am hearing they are charging fees on postage, geez.  And you have to have paypal they charge for also.  I haven't sold anything on ebay since 06 but I am seeing now it looks like paypal is all that is allowed for credit cards.  And I remember if you wanted to contact your buyer you could just email them, now it looks like everything has to go thru ebay, just really hate to see them controlling the whole thing.

Back in the ebay hayday for me, i was selling sports cards and memorabilia.  Had a baseball card shop i closed in 1992 and was mainly liquidating that.  I never really did seen any advantages over being a powerseller, other than they labelled me as one.  I will say though I had 4 different people agrue w/me on description of an item i sold w/paypal,  and safehabour always sided w/me.  I have read alot where they side w/the buyers, so I guess I am lucky.

Today, I am a much more active on Craiglist than ebay, like it much better!


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