Storage Auctions

Auction Timing, joining up in the middle of the day Question??

Auction Timing, joining up in the middle of the day Question??
« on: December 28, 2010, 10:06:32 PM »
I subscribed to the weekly listing of auctions and see many times are listed as following previous. If I cant take the whole day to follow the auction path from the first stop, how would one go about finding the right time for a specific location. For example I dont want to drive to the southside of Atlanta just to follow the auction up towards my area?


Re: Auction Timing, joining up in the middle of the day Question??
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2010, 12:07:10 AM »
Get to know somebody else on that run, then you can call them on the cell and they'll tell you where to go.  Or, sometimes you can get the number of the guy running the auctions and you can call him direct and he'll tell you where he's headed next.  And then there is always the good old the facility you think he should be at, and they will usually have a pretty good idea of what facility everybody is at.

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Re: Auction Timing, joining up in the middle of the day Question??
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2011, 10:42:31 AM »
This is a great question, I was almost going to post something similar although I guess more of a rant than a question.

Oftentimes I either can't make it to an early auction or don't want to as it's too far from home, not a good city for units, etc.

I generally have the auctioneers phone number. Calling them is the best option although still they don't really know where they are going to be at what time. Kind of depends on how quickly the auctions are going along, how many units are auctioned off, how bad traffic is getting from one place to the next.

You dont want to be that annoying guy calling him multiple times so I generally call and ask for a ball park time.

Somtimes I'll do the same thing but call the storage facility.

Truth is your not going to get a real accurat time as even the auctioneer and facility don't know. Your going to end up waiting around. This can be frustratnig but is the price you pay for not following the entire day.

The best option would be to make friends with someone else who goes to the auctions, exchange numbers and ask them to give you a call when they are on their way to the facility you want to go to.

Aside from this your giong to be waiting.

Re: Auction Timing, joining up in the middle of the day Question??
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2011, 07:20:37 PM »
One of the auctioneers in. my area actually tweets when he is heading to next local on tweeter.  Gotta love technology. ;D

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Re: Auction Timing, joining up in the middle of the day Question??
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2011, 07:41:23 PM »
that would be nice!

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