Storage Auctions

Question for those who like to drive up the bid

Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« on: March 21, 2011, 01:24:05 PM »
I saw this when I went to the auctions on Friday, there was a locker, it looked ok, well guy (A) bids 50.00 then guy (B) wants to drive up the bid and say as 60.00, I noticed he didnt want it was just trying to make the other guy pay more, guy (A) says 65.00 and guy (b) says 75.00, guy (A) back outs, guy (B) curses as he puts his locker on the unit....well I was thinking if he paid 75.00 or it is it bad I would to offer him 45.00 for it, you know without him looking through. He didnt want it was just trying to drive up the bid.... what would yall say if this were to happen to you and you are offered half of what your winning bid was?

Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2011, 01:36:08 PM »
I saw this when I went to the auctions on Friday, there was a locker, it looked ok, well guy (A) bids 50.00 then guy (B) wants to drive up the bid and say as 60.00, I noticed he didnt want it was just trying to make the other guy pay more, guy (A) says 65.00 and guy (b) says 75.00, guy (A) back outs, guy (B) curses as he puts his locker on the unit....well I was thinking if he paid 75.00 or it is it bad I would to offer him 45.00 for it, you know without him looking through. He didnt want it was just trying to drive up the bid.... what would yall say if this were to happen to you and you are offered half of what your winning bid was?

LOL here is where "MINDPLAY" comes into play or as some call it, bidding pshycology.

Guy B, wanted that locker most likely, he pretended not to want it, kind of like " ok i am gonna play like i am bidding him up, i am gonna do it so everyone see it and knows it"  That way he can make the other guy, guy A drop the locker on him, guy B.

This way guy A thinks he dumped a locker on guy B, but in reallity, guy A gave the locker to guy B probobly cheaper then what he would have if guy B had shown he was interested in it. This way guy B avoided a bidding war against guy A.

After he won it, he still had to pretend or act like he did not like it, so guy A would not catch it.

This method is beeing used very often, and you have to read the body movement and listen to how people say things. It is always a game one way or the other.

Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2011, 01:41:37 PM »
Ohh so that's what happen then..  :o

Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011, 01:48:01 PM »
Ohh so that's what happen then..  :o

It can be, you never know.
But from how you explained it, it sounds like it. The amount was way to low to be a backfired bid up. he would probobly not fuzz about such a small amount if he diden't plan it.

Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2011, 02:46:01 PM »
So lets just say that it wasnt, lets just say he really didn't want the unit, would it be considered bad if I would have offered him half the amount he paid for the locker?

Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2011, 03:06:45 PM »
So lets just say that it wasnt, lets just say he really didn't want the unit, would it be considered bad if I would have offered him half the amount he paid for the locker?

If you had, and his answer was yes, you can have it. Then we know it would have been a bad one. If he had said no you can't, then we know he wanted it.

It would not be bad at all to ask him that. It happends all the time.
Some comes up to you and want to by part of it, or the whole thing.

I have once sold a unit 5 min after i paid for it, to another auction bidder. I got a unit for 60 bucks, this guy came up to me and asked me if i would accept 100 bucks for it, i said no, he left and i went thru the unit. (4 boxes and 2 rubbermaid bins 1 garbage bag.
I took one rubbermaid bin with me as i walked to my car. The same guy came up to me again and asked me if i took 150 for it. then i said yes. So i sold it for 150 bucks. 

Pluss i sold the other stuff in the rubbermaid bin for 75 bucks.

Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2011, 03:09:30 PM »
Hey thats good....Thanks Mr A....

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Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2011, 07:52:27 AM »
I understand the mindset of people bidding others up. They are essentially hoping that by running another bidder up, they will have less money to spend on future units or that they will lose money on a few units and give up on the business entirely. That's great and all but I have noticed a strange statistic at auctions. The bigger the idiot, the more money they have to spend. I don't know why this is, but it is what it is.

Either way, bidding others up is poor etiquette. We are all there to make money. If you run someone up, they'll run you up when there is a unit that you want. What's even worse is that when others see you doing it, they think it's funny, it becomes contagious and spreads like a virus. Next thing you know, nobody is getting a good deal on a unit and the only winners are the storage facility and the auctioneer.

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Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2011, 08:23:04 AM »
I agree tc, there's really no sense in bidding others up.

Were all just out here trying to make a buck, why make it harder on each other. Bidding others up thinking they will have less money has to be one of the stupidest strategies ever.

Maybe back in the days of 5 people at an auction you bid someone up and they are low on money they wont buy and it helps you but these days with 20,30, 40 people at an auction you make one guy go broke there's more than enough people left to still bid against you.

I agree also that once someone starts more people start doing it as well.

I have bid people up on occasion but never just for the hell of it the only times I'll run someone up is if they take every unit that comes up the whole day.

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Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2011, 09:31:46 AM »
Partial quote: first line and last line from above:

I agree tc, there's really no sense in bidding others up.

I have bid people up on occasion but never just for the hell of it the only times I'll run someone up is if they take every unit that comes up the whole day.


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Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2011, 12:00:51 PM »
I should have been more careful with my words, forgot movieman likes to pick at and play semantics with everything said by everyone.

Movieman, great job you got another post under your belt and contradicted me, hope your proud of yourself.

My point being I wont run people up just for the sake of runnign people up. If you run others up you'll make enemies and others will run you up so its just not in your best interest to do it.

Also, with so many people at the auctions these days if you run someone up there's another 40 people with money so your are not really accomplishing your goal of taking money out of people so there's less to be bid later b/c with so many people there's always plenty of money around.

I see people who all day will run others up on units they have no itnerest in just for the sake od doing it.

The only time I will run someone up is if they are taking 3 of 4 units at every facility all day long. Also, I wont jump in on units I'm i not actually interested in. If I bid and the guy who already won 10 units bids on me even after I'm no longer interested at the price point I may hang on a lil longer

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Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2011, 12:01:51 PM »
Some of you may disagree but personally I think there's kind of an unspoken etiquette that if you got 5 units on a slow auction day don't continue buying every unit, leave something out there for others.

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Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2011, 05:40:23 PM »

Partial quote from above:

I should have been more careful with my words, forgot movieman likes to pick at and play semantics with everything said by everyone.

Movieman, great job you got another post under your belt and contradicted me, hope your proud of yourself.

In the written communications we all do here in the threads, WORDS are the only thing we have to express our ideas. (emoticons don't count for much) If we can't write what we mean, why write at all ? Nothing wrong with carefully choosing one's word...IMHO. And the use of "everyone" probably isn't accurate as not everyone writes one thing in sentence one and then completly changes 180 degrees in the last sentence of his/her post. I think you'll also find there are threads in which I have responded to your comments without an inch of contrary opinion, but each of us (yes, even you) are entitled to opinions and the right to express them.

As to the notion that I am trying to accumlate posts, nothing could be further from the truth; I only care about the comments made by others and those I am making myself, not about HOW MANY I have made. On the other hand, I HAVE thought about starting a thread entitled "The most unusual sexual toy I have found (in Cascade Blue)" in order to up the number of THREADS I have started. And yes, dear reader, THAT is sarcasm.  ;D

Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2011, 07:18:08 PM »
Well, somebody needs to start some threads around here.  For as many members as we have, we should have many more new postings to read every day.  Someone out there must have something to say?! ???

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Re: Question for those who like to drive up the bid
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2011, 07:39:40 PM »
Well, somebody needs to start some threads around here.  For as many members as we have, we should have many more new postings to read every day.  Someone out there must have something to say?! ???

Well, starting the threads doesn't seem to be the problem .... again IMHO.... but as you said, getting people to chime in with their thoughts on the many subjects already started. With almost 2,000 members and a fairly small number starting threads and similar small numbers responding, it's definitely a small circle.

Maybe that's the way it is in a lot of subject areas though.

How many of you drive up the bid on folks?

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