I've bought several units online, mostly when I first started buying storage auctions. I don't bid online anymore.
There's a fair number of problems that keep me from it. First is transparency. I payed 4350 for one good unit online. It was worth the price, but it has me questioning who was my competition. There's no clear bid history and no way to know I'm not being cheated / shill bid. I have a strong feeling, but no proof that they may have either intentionally (or by a glitch) let me win at my max bid.
Another problem is dishonesty by the facility. I've won a unit that was infested with cockroaches. You can bet things like mice, insect infestation, illegal items, toxic chemicals will be missed when photographing units. All of these can be costly to deal with.
I don't see a problem with the industry moving to online auctions overall, except that the law needs to catch up if its going that way. Specific rules for how units are photographed. Required resolution of photos. Specific rules that auction sites must follow. Clear display of bid history. Some kind of oversight. (Dept of weights and measures review?) The attraction to storage auctions for me is that its a gamble with odds that I can see. When the rules get shady its no longer worth playing. You won't catch me in Vegas, I don't like the odds.