Storage Auctions

Storage Auction Industry Studies The Online Aspect of Storage Auctions

Offline MovieMan

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One of the watchdogs of the storage industry has conducted a survey of storage auction buyers impressions of the industry as it exists today.

One of the thrusts of the survey deals with the "new" online storage business which has been finding its way for several years but has yet to break through on any kind of significant presence throughout the United States.

Offline MovieMan

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The day I placed this post I emailed the “info” link and used the exact language the article used regarding survey results, analysis and methodologies. See the quote from the article directly below.

Requests for the survey results, analysis and methodologies should be directed to [email protected]

Within the hour I got a response from Lance Watkins (also a member here). He asked the nature of my request and how the information would be used.

I responded that I was an auction buyer and that I was interested in the new idea of online auctions and wondered how other people felt about the auction scene (the 1,000 people who took the survey).

His response the next day was this …(paraphrasing) “The online auction scene is developing. Have you had an online bidding experience, and if so, what was your reaction?”

In other words he didn’t respond to my question at all, or provide the survey results; he said they were very difficult to come by, etc. (don’t know if that meant he didn’t have them or what.

I responded by asking “Are you going to publish the survey results on your website’s forum? If so, when do you think that would happen?”

That was Monday, April 1, 2013 and as of 5 pm Pacific on Tuesday, April 2, 2013 I have not received an answer.


Sorry guys, ben in Vegas for our National Storage Show. We will publish publish results, however we are timing the results to coordinate with several state legislative initiatives related to lien law in the storage industry. (maybe 60 days) The purpose of the survey was primarily to assist law changes that make it better for everyone. You, Storage Company, delinquent
Tenant and Storage Treasures.

If there is a question you are after, Ask me. If you want some inside info: If I were buying storage units and I trusted the online system and the storage companies I deal with I would jump on the opportunity.

It will take a couple of years until prices match holler auctions, maybe never. So in the short term you can spread bids over a larger area and get a 50% discount on units. ST does not have this online option, but other companies do...



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