Storage Auctions

The good and the bad...

Offline Adam

The good and the bad...
« on: June 29, 2013, 09:03:47 PM »
Hey all!

Well yesterday I won my first two online auctions! And as the title says, there were some good aspects, and some bad.

I will start with my first unit, it looked liked a pretty good unit for what I payed for it. 10x10 for $210. From what I saw, I estimated 300-400.

But that quickly went down drain when I opened the locker, the lovely smell of mold hit me right in the face. On the couch, recliner, furniture, etc etc. So strait to the dump with 90% of it. But I found a few decent items, that I can make some of my money back on.

Then I bought, what was advertised as a 5x5 garbage bag / clothes unit, just for the heck of it, looked pretty packed from the pictures. So when I opened up the locker, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was actually 5x10 packed with garbage bags and boxes, a little error on the managers part. But one that I didnt mind ;)

So after sifting through all the clothes, for about 10min, I find a real coach purse, in really good shape. Which will probably be my money back there. And probably 50 more bags and boxes to go through.

So next time, I think that Im going to take a trip to the facility and take a look at the lockers for myself, as long as they are close enough. Or wait until they create smell-a-vision ;D

Offline Travis

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Re: The good and the bad...
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2013, 10:36:35 PM »
I remember a unit I bought in one of the roughest parts of Houston. They raised the door and it was a 10X30 packed full of stuff. It also reeked of cat piss. Nobody even bid on the unit. Except me.

Come to find out, the reason the unit smelled so bad was because the tenant left a litter box inside.

Paid $100 for the unit, probably made $2500 after all was said and done. 

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