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Messages - the teacher

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Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« on: August 16, 2011, 11:47:59 PM »
Went to an auction today and only two people showed up!  I scored the only unit, a 12'x30 Commercial unit for only $300.00!!!   Best unit I've had in 2-3 months!  I have noticed that the crowds are thinning, but not quite this much.......I think because of how far away it was and only being one locker, a lot of bidders decided not to "waste" their time.  I almost didn't go myself, but I'm damn glad I did now!  I'll try to post some pics up in the Treasure Chest over the next few days if I get some time.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« on: August 09, 2011, 09:54:26 PM »
Went to two different auctions today by the same auctioneer.  First one had 12 lockers, and out of the 12, only one was even interesting.  There were around 25 bidders, about 7 regulars and the rest noobies.  Most of the lockers sold for around the $400 range.  I didn't even bid, the one that was interesting in my mind went for a little over $500, and I wasn't interested for that price.

The second location ended up only having one locker left after three got paid up at the last moment.  I did go up to $150 on that one, but it ended up selling for around $175.  Prices are definitely down from the peak, but still too high for what I'm seeing being sold.

ROLFLMAO!  That was awesome!

Went to a facility that has an auction about once every three months today.  It was AWESOME!  10 people show up for 13 lockers, and a some of them were together, so basically only 8 bidders! I got two units for just over 100 bucks!  One had a matching washer and dryer, so I don't think I'll have any problem getting my money back plus some!  I hope this is a sign of things to come!

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Sorting advice
« on: June 29, 2011, 12:17:43 PM »
Great advice from all those reminding us to wear gloves when sorting. Sometimes I get busy and forget to put them on. Along those lines of thinking, it would probably be smart to wear dust masks and safety glasses while loading/unloading and sorting. Years of breathing in that dust and pet dander is not good for your lungs, not to mention how dangerous rodent feces dust is, and then there is the mold/mildew spores, cocaine/crack residue, household chemicals, and who knows what else! :o

Is it just me, or does your description just make this job sound so romantic? ;D

Jedi, this one is for you my friend.

The Newbies Strike Back

This is such a strange cycle, one day at the auctions almost no newbies, the next day a hoard dropping ridiculous money on lockers! ???

Not really strange, it just follows the Welfare/Social Security check payment schedule! ;D

Went to an auction North of Seattle today (for a report on the units I bought check out the "the Treasure Chest").  Anyway, I'll bet there was half the normal crowd today.  It still had a pretty big crowd and prices are still up, but there were WAY less bidders than there had been the past few months.  Maybe this is a good sign.

The Treasure Chest / Picked up two lockers today!
« on: June 22, 2011, 11:15:24 PM »
So I got two lockers today at a smaller facility North of Seattle.  Not cheap, with everything included, I paid $1045 for the two units.

So far, I have found a Bulova 14k gold watch, and another watch that has a 10k bezel.  I also have a pretty nice roll top desk with all kinds of drawers and storage compartments......way nice than most I get.  I got a really cool leather chair with the brass tacks all the way around.  It looks like a normal chair, but it's actually a recliner!  No rips or tears, and actually in very good condition.  

I got a nice, very old, round table with big massive base.  The auctioneer I take some of my stuff to thought it should go for $300-$500 at the auction house, so I may go that route with it.  There is also a writing desk in one of them that the people really went out of their way to cover up.  I pulled off part of the covering, and what I saw looks really nice, so hopefully it will be good.  

The one lady was also the QVC Queen.........there are tubs full of brand new QVC boxes!  I'm skeptical about that stuff.  I suppose it has some dollar value and will probably make good garage sale/swap meet stuff, but I doubt if it's worth a whole lot.  

I've also found some jewelry, but other than the two watches, I haven't found anything else that is gold or silver.   I still have a lot to go through.  I got one unit emptied and rented the other one for two weeks so I can have some time to go through it.  I have auctions the rest of this week, so needed to buy myself a little time.  

I'll post some pictures up when I get around to unloading the trailer and go through some more of it.

They are charging 30%, and up here in the Seattle area, 30% is pretty standard for an auction house. 

Garage Sales / Re: Crying the blues !
« on: June 21, 2011, 12:44:11 AM »
Another little helpful hint for you guys that like having garage sales.  Start your sale on Thursday.  You'll probably be the only one going, and if you have out good signage, you should kick some butt!  Friday is a good day too, typically the busiest day of my sales. 

Don't forget the auctioneer gets a hefty cut of any sale.  I took a bunch of stuff up to one of our local auctioneers that I use from time to time, and out of a little over 5K in sales, I pocketed $3300. 

Having said that, it's a great way to get rid of some unique items and clear out some room quickly.  Some items sold for what I thought was way too little, and others went for way more than I expected.  I guess it kind of equals out in the end, but you better be mentally prepared to accept whatever you get......once your stuff is sold, it's gone, and if you have "sellers remorse" for what you got for it, too bad!

Garage Sales / Re: Crying the blues !
« on: June 20, 2011, 07:43:05 PM »
Bummer deal!  I like stopping by garage sales too, just for the fun of it and to see if I can pick up anything to make a buck on.  A little over a week ago, I picked up a raised panel toddlers bed with mattress for $5 at a garage sale.  Took it to my storage unit, took a picture, and sold it a couple of days later on CL for $65!  Not going to get rich any time soon doing that, but it's fun!  Depending on the weather and how much time I have, I may go out and fill up the back seat and bed of my pickup with stuff on a Friday morning........just a quick 200-300 extra for the week without too much effort. 

The Treasure Chest / Re: Happy Father's Day treasure hunters !
« on: June 19, 2011, 08:13:43 PM »
Back at you and all the other dads on here. 

I had a great day!  Not only Father's Day, but also happens to fall on my Birthday this year.  Hung out with the wife most of the day, and then my 17 year old daughter took me out to dinner with just her and I.  Like I said, it was a great day!

Reality Shows about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Hunter Show
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:11:08 PM »
He does "Door to Door" in the Seattle area too.  Here's a link to his site:

Storage Auctioneers / Re: Banning a bidder from an auction ?
« on: June 01, 2011, 08:13:17 PM »
It was pretty lame overall, I was kind of disappointed.   

The BS hasn't stopped since the show either.  The auctioneer did try to get a restraining order like Judge Judy had suggested, but the local judge would not grant it and scolded them both and told them it is time to grow up. 

The buyer is still messing with the auctioneer, making sure he has a business license for every city he conducts auctions in and calling facility owners and trying to get him fired, and the auctioneer is trying to retaliate through various avenues. 

Storage Auction Drama!

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