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Messages - tatersalad

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Stories about Storage Auctions / weirdest, strangest, sickest unit ever.
« on: November 29, 2011, 03:06:06 AM »
Ive been reading these forums for a while but never thought i needed to post anything till this week.  Me and my buddy we buy on avg 5-10 units a week and right before the thanksgiving break we bought some units but did not have a chance to go through all the boxes till last night.  Now I cannot sleep and im posting on the forum for the first time lol.

When the doors rolled this unit had about 25 brown boxes all labled paperwork.  No one was bidding so we purchased the unit for $25 as a gamble and yea we will be able to make our money back but just wow at the things we found.  The 1st box I opened was all paperwork but there was a resume of some sorts and It showed a guy who graduated college back in the 50's as a doctor and listed a bunch of other items and jobs but i couldn't be bothered to read it at the time so i closed the box and proceeded tot he next.  In this box i find around 200 little cases and each case is holding around 25 slides.  Each slide has images of DEAD BODIES and various organs.

At this point im like WTF i keep going and find 4 more boxes just like this... and a bunch with just paperwork.  Then i find a box that had a big grey briefcase in it and open it and it gets worse its some sort of kit with cutting devices and blood testing supplies including slides and tubes.  There are alot of gloves and and these huge syringes that are just massive looking.  Then there is a section that you can pull down and it reveals a CUTTING BOARD with dried up blood on it.  WTF

I just knew it couldn't get any worse then it does..  I move on to the next box and its full of small items wrapped in packing paper.. so i unwrap one and its a bag that has been sealed with body parts and parts of organs..  I only opened 4 of im guessing 50 and I had to stop... one was like a scalp with dark colored hair one looked to be part of a liver one was like part of a face lips, nose area and the last one I have no idea what it was...

This tops off anything I had ever found before...  I was able to find alot of hardcover dr. books and some pretty cool sculls on stands and a box full of dexter like blood samples. =\  ohh went back and looked at the resume again... guy was a doctor then medical examiner (that examined the remains from david koresh and those other weirdo's)

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