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Messages - Steve1578

Pages: [1]
New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Noobie, introducing myself!
« on: September 17, 2011, 04:46:43 PM »
Hey welcome to the forums!

Thanks a lot!  ;D

New to Storage Auctions? / Noobie, introducing myself!
« on: September 17, 2011, 01:02:04 AM »
Hi everyone, my name's Steven. I live in PA, closer to the Reading area. For a while now I've been very interested in the auction scene, and would really love to get into it. I'm only 19 years old, but I'm a very business savvy person, I like to think. I started my first business when I was 15, and just recently decided to sell it and go in a new direction. I'm currently working a full-time job to maintain some good income until I figured out my next move. Needless to say, I hate working for others. Business has always been a passion, and this is where I hope to start anew. I'm just looking for whatever advice anyone will give. I'm not ignorant to the fact that learning must be done in order succeed. I've already popped my lkr cherry a few months back. It was a spontaneous buy, and resulted in a few hundred dollars profit; not too bad for a first buy. I plan to sell over the internet, Craigs, ebay, etc. Along with hopefully getting into flea markets. I hope to make some great friends in everyone at this site, and best of luck to all fellow bidders!

I'm a noob without the experience of most folks here but I think that people think that they'll find something rare and valuable in every locker they buy.  That's why the numbers of people at storage auctions and the prices have skyrocketed.  Storage Wars doesn't show you a whole lot of the lockers that lose money.  Every week, somebody makes a boatload of money.

Once the unrealistic noobs spend all their cash on crappy lockers and go away, things will get back to normal, I believe.

People losing money wouldn't be as fun as watching what people can make money off of, that's the whole reason they don't show much. And an average episode, may show someone winning like 2-3k and being the big winner. Obviously it's completely unrealistic to think that every locker will reward you with thousands, but most times, money can be made on a locker, as long as your crowd isn't full of complete ignorant wannabes.

People who watch Storage Wars for the first time are pretty much just ordinary folks who either didn't know anything about this business, or had a 3rd cousin who did it 5 years ago one time....this is just a generalization of course, but I think A LOT of the first time and then 6th time viewers fit this description.

At some point, some of these people become lookey-loos, then maybe occassional buyers and then maybe even more frequent buyers.

My question is, in the beginning, what is the general population's belief about how TRUE the "shows" stories really are?


The girl at my regular gas station today asked me if I watched them and after a simple "yes", she gushed on about the show where DAVE got the vending machines. She thought that was great...and realistic. I gave her my view and I could see she still wanted to believe..."well, they live in southern California."  True, but there are dog lockers there as well.

So, what responses have you gotten from people who know what you do .... buying lkrs?  Are they all as blind as the clerk at the gas station?

I'm a little unclear as what your views are. You do not believe the show is real? The show is 100% real. And yes, although there are great and crappy lockers anywhere, California is a breeding ground for higher quality simply because of the real estate, business, etc.

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