Storage Auctions

Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2011, 09:27:27 AM »

but in my opinion, if it were just random like us, then it wouldnt be much for tv would it?

That's certainly true, but I think the problem is that SOME of the people I've seen showing up at auctions
don't look like they are smart enough to figure out that MOST of the lkrs and MOST of the stuff in them
is just ordinary household stuff, not collectibles or even high-end household products. They either don't read the disclaimer at the start of the AH show or they just ignore it when they see the guys get a quad and a hovercraft back to back at the same facility.

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2011, 10:03:43 AM »
See more BIO information on the auction hunters at this link which has the guys
just WATCHING an auction in Garland, TX as they are in the state for filming of
their season FINALE, May 31, 2011. Actual finale site is undisclosed.

Offline Travis

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2011, 09:59:10 PM »
Well, it's pretty obvious. In the last episode, when they were referring to the finale, they showed a picture of Dallas.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2011, 05:59:27 AM »
I know this topic is old but I wanted to chime in and say of course Auction Hunters is fake. So is Storage Wars. Look, ever notice how Ton and Allen are experts on the rare antiques they find? They did their homework for the show. I have been to storage auctions and I never find rare or priceless stuff. Usually its junk or household items. Mostly apartment folks who have no room for their useless stuff.

These shows have folks who want to auction off their items and they contact the show, and these items get placed in different storage units. It makes no sense whatsoever that people who own priceless antiques and collectibles would not be able to afford the storage unit. Most people know better than to store valuables in these units anyway.

Offline alloro

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2011, 01:10:45 PM »
Most people know better than to store valuables in these units anyway.

That could very well be the case where you live. But I've been around the country enough to know that different area breed different ways of thinking. Then there's the possibility that someone is going through a divorce and is trying to hide some valuables from their spouse. Then all of the sudden bank accounts or credit cards with the automatic payment to the storage facility get closed. Several months go by, the unit goes unpaid and finally its on the auction block. Then there's people whom die off and their family doesn't know the storage unit exists, next thing you know that one is up for auction as well.

Offline bwd111

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2011, 09:43:37 AM »
Obviously all reality shows use a lot of editing and make story lines as real life isn't as exciting as a story line but I would at least like the characters on the show to be real people and not actors and like the show to have some basis in reality.

I was watching animal planet the other day while channel surfing and there were guys catching a snake. Taking a closer look I noticed one of the guys was Ton, the bald guy from auction hunters. This leads me to believe both these guys are actors and the show is totally fake.

Obviously Storage Wars drums up drama and makes a story line but I'm pretty sure all those guys are actually real people who attend auctions and run resale shops.

This kinda ruins the show for me. I can't say I'm surprised though. I used to watch Black Gold the oil show based in Odessa Texas. A buddy of mine recently moved down there and told me they were actually having casting calls for guys to be on teh show. Again, another "reality" show taht uses actors and is totally fake.
Its called tv. And adv companys arent going to pay top dollar to advertise if the show cant keep the attention of the audience. Storage bors and AH shows make the ad companys money for a reason.

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2011, 10:50:44 AM »
I know this topic is old but I wanted to chime in and say of course Auction Hunters is fake. So is Storage Wars. Look, ever notice how Ton and Allen are experts on the rare antiques they find? They did their homework for the show. I have been to storage auctions and I never find rare or priceless stuff. Usually its junk or household items. Mostly apartment folks who have no room for their useless stuff.

These shows have folks who want to auction off their items and they contact the show, and these items get placed in different storage units. It makes no sense whatsoever that people who own priceless antiques and collectibles would not be able to afford the storage unit. Most people know better than to store valuables in these units anyway.

I thought the same thing about jewelry.  Then I acquired some in my most recent 2 lockers.  I still think people can be foolish.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #22 on: October 17, 2011, 09:42:06 PM »
Um this thread REAllY got 67000 views??

Smh. Tells ya something.

Offline CLB

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2011, 03:39:52 PM »
Okay, I know that the geek that is buying the jet engine in "The Dallas Mavericks" episode is an actor.  I have seen him in a recurring role in a Sci-fi TV show or Movie.  I can picture him, but just can't place him. 

Anyone else have an idea?

Offline alloro

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2011, 04:18:08 PM »
Perhaps he just looks like someone else.


Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #25 on: October 19, 2011, 10:37:00 AM »
Okay, I know that the geek that is buying the jet engine in "The Dallas Mavericks" episode is an actor.  I have seen him in a recurring role in a Sci-fi TV show or Movie.  I can picture him, but just can't place him. 

Anyone else have an idea?

Actually, i think that guy is Terry Stroud from the show "Masterblasters", a show that used to be on the Discovery channel about 2 teams competing to build crazy custom-built rockets.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #26 on: November 29, 2011, 05:35:31 PM »
I'm just pasting part of this.  But this is a quote/bio from Ton Jones:

It wasn’t easy for Jones to initially make contacts in the auction business, however. His nickname of “Ton” isn’t just the last three letters of his first name. At 6-foot-3 and 380 pounds with head tattoos, Jones is a pretty intimidating presence. Looks, however, can be deceiving.
“I’ve spent the better part of my life doing reptile rescue and rehabilitation,” Jones said. “The only reason I got into auctions was to make a buck and support my reptile rescues.”
Jones works with bobcats, mountain lions and venomous snakes.
“I definitely have a soft spot for wildlife and exotic animals,” Jones said. “They can’t stick up for themselves at a certain point. I’m an avid hunter but I don’t illegally poach for fun. If you’re going to eat the meat and use the animal then hunt all you want, but if you’re shooting a tiger for a coat that’s not cool.”

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #27 on: November 29, 2011, 09:03:39 PM »
I watch frequently and have always marveled at the way that a chance buyer out in the middle of a desert looking at a quadzilla just happens to have thousands of dollars in cash with him to buy the unit!!!

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2011, 07:57:22 AM »
I feel sorry for the people that think this show is real!  Television is a copycat broadcast. Look at the formula they are using and how similiar it is to other shows. One big guy, one skinny guy. Search out the gold and find it.  I compare television reality shows to nfl football teams, one person finds a winning strategy and everyone else tries to emulate it.

The truth is buying and selling used items is hard work and generally not glamorous.  The producers found how exciting it can be at times, and ran with that. 

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2011, 12:56:12 AM »
I have been reading these posts and I noticed that a lot of what is being posted is not quite correct. At the beginning of Auction hunters there is a written notice that the show is documenting their best finds. They are not showing all of the units they purchase, only the good ones.

The final episode of season one they did explain the good, the bad, and the ugly of Auction Hunting. They explained that 80% of the units they purchase are a bust. They also remind the viewer of that in several other episodes. They did one episode from Texas which was at a container auction in which they purchased 11 units and they said that 9 of them were a bust, and just showed us what they made off of the two good units. When they showed their profit from the total auction they took away what they paid for all eleven units to show what they actually made.

I personally find it interesting that both Auction Hunters & Storage Wars go to most of their auctions in the same cities, but you never see any of them on the other show. I am sure that the Networks have made them sign a disclosure agreement so that they can't go to auctions that the other show is at. On Auction hunters they go to auctions with several different Auctioneers, but Storage Wars only shows Auctions with that one specific Auctioneer.

Somebody stated that they never saw a bad unit on Storage Wars, That person obviously has not watched the show very often because I believe they have all been stuck with bad units on that show.

Do they edit the show to make it exiting? Of course they do, they want people to watch the show.

Did the characters on the show get hand picked? Barry stated that he was hanging out with a buddy of his that told him he was getting ready to produce a show about Storage Auctions & he asked him if he wanted in on the show, so obviously that answer is yes. You also have to figure that the main characters are being paid to do the show.

Does that mean that the shows are Fake? No. It does mean that if you decide to try your hand at Auction Hunting you might not want to expect that it is going to a big score every time. Remember that on Auction Hunters they say 80% of the units are a bust. That means that only 2 out of 10 units pay off.

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