Storage Auctions

Rules For Posting In This Section

Offline Travis

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Rules For Posting In This Section
« on: November 15, 2012, 07:54:24 PM »
This Section Is A Work In Progress and will most likely take several months to complete. With you help, it will go a lot faster.

Please limit this section to storage auction resources only. These resources include newspapers which publish notices of public sales, auctioneer's websites, storage facility websites and storage auction listing services.

Please include the name of the business/website.

Do post a URL to the page which lists auctions, not the home page.

State threads should include storage auction resources which cater specifically to that state.

Please place all national and multi-state resources in the multi-state resources category. Auctioneers that work in multiple states are exempt.

Please refrain from adding any negative comments about any of the resources. However, please feel free to add any pertinent information.

Please notify the Moderator of any broken links or resources which do not contain upcoming storage auctions.

Thanks for contributing and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in other areas of the forum or send a message to the Moderator.

Offline Travis

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Re: Rules For Posting In This Section
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2014, 11:01:34 PM »
To all members and readers: Feel free to add storage auction resources in your area to this section. Resources include newspapers that publish notices of public sales, storage auctioneer's websites or any other websites that display schedules for upcoming storage auctions. If we all contribute the resources in our area, it will help others who are interested in getting involved in the storage auction business. Remember, we were all new at one point and we all needed someone to point us in the right direction.  ;D

Storage Auction Laws - Rules

Started by Travis

0 Replies
Last post November 28, 2012, 11:10:40 PM
by Travis
Strange rules at storage auctions

Started by Travis

4 Replies
Last post August 11, 2014, 05:59:29 PM
by Travis
Have you been effected by eBay's new rules for free listings?

Started by Travis

5 Replies
Last post July 14, 2014, 12:42:20 PM
by luke
Are there unspoken rules of etiquette for storage unit buyers?

Started by Travis

8 Replies
Last post October 06, 2014, 10:29:15 PM
by Travis