Storage Auctions

94 degrees and a lot of ****ty lockers and i won one of them

94 degrees and a lot of ****ty lockers and i won one of them
« on: April 19, 2011, 06:03:35 PM »
Ok today was a ****ty day.

It was 96 degrees and i picked the wrong clothing. Jeans does not go well with that heat.

Well then it was the lockers, or the lack of lockers. Most was paid off, the one place that had 43 units cancelled for the 3rd time in a row. Something fishy going on there.

The last locker of the day i won, it was more like " i don't want to go home empty handed locker" so i bid it up to 35 dollars and got it.
I will most likely double my money on it. It had a ok older desk in it that i like, think i am keeping that to my self.  The reason it did not go higher was becasue most people said the drawers was missing. But after i won it, i found all 4 drawers , they was pushed to far inside the desk. And from the door we could not see that. So all in all i am happy with it. It will find its way into my collection.

4 degrees of seperation

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First two lockers

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Last post August 25, 2011, 10:29:38 PM
by ronin
2 new lockers won.

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Last post April 14, 2011, 07:33:28 PM
by Mr Andersen