Storage Auctions

Bought 3 units today

Bought 3 units today
« on: April 08, 2011, 07:36:30 PM »
Went to a local storage facility today. About 9 lockers I believe were up for auction. Around 25 people there with only a few newbies. Most went for pretty cheap. Although the full ones went pretty high (the newbie bought it. even admitted it was his first and he did it because the TV shows). I bought one for $20, one for $15 and the last one for $10.

the first cost me $20. Not much in there that I could see, but I saw a box of wire and I knew I could scrap that for a good price. I was sorting through the boxes and found a grocery bag full of money (change). After I got it home it was $38.87 cents worth of pennies and dimes!

The second had mostly clothes in (which I just took to the goodwill) but I also found a console TV (which I'll scrap for copper), a TON of new blue jeans (size 52W).

The third was only $10 but it had a iron refrigerator cart in it. A junk dresser, lots of kids clothes, and a box of brass faucets. Which I may scrap them if they don't sell. Brass is at $1.95 a lb here. All in all I was pretty happy with my haul

Bought Five Units Today.

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Bought my first units!

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