Storage Auctions

scored my first locker

scored my first locker
« on: March 15, 2012, 10:16:50 PM »
Got my first one today..loaded with toys in the boxes never played with..some of the boxes are beat up but the toys look great...after scanning all the bar codes...retail over 900.00!!
Also a nice leather rolling desk chair..a fax machine..a printer..some brand new printable note cards that scanned at 15.00/ 3 boxes of those...lots of nintendo game boxes but only 3 games in the boxes..also some empty ps2 cases...4 boxes with brand new shoes...reebok..fila..some misc womens leather boots in decent shape...i also got two of those lock boxes that realtors put keys in..they are the electronic kind...gotta research those with a local realtor..also some brand new clothes with the tags on...some medical scrub uniforms..and some misc a really nice space heater. .Two portable fans..a toaster oven..some crockpots...and some stuff i haven't
 even opened...overall i think i will do ok....i paid 400.00

Offline MovieMan

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Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2012, 10:31:51 PM »
Got my first one today..loaded with toys in the boxes never played with..some of the boxes are beat up but the toys look great...after scanning all the bar codes...retail over 900.00!!
Also a nice leather rolling desk chair..a fax machine..a printer..some brand new printable note cards that scanned at 15.00/ 3 boxes of those...lots of nintendo game boxes but only 3 games in the boxes..also some empty ps2 cases...4 boxes with brand new shoes...reebok..fila..some misc womens leather boots in decent shape...i also got two of those lock boxes that realtors put keys in..they are the electronic kind...gotta research those with a local realtor..also some brand new clothes with the tags on...some medical scrub uniforms..and some misc a really nice space heater. .Two portable fans..a toaster oven..some crockpots...and some stuff i haven't
 even opened...overall i think i will do ok....i paid 400.00

Congrats...sounds like a good one !

Now if you could just get your customers to pay you retail !  ;D

Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 10:39:46 PM »
Movie...i know retail is beyond reality...but even if i got half of retail. .Just on the new stuff that would be you think that is realistic?...i have a local flea market or ebay...which do u think would produce the better profit...any info is appreciated...thx

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Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2012, 10:49:07 PM »
Movie...i know retail is beyond reality...but even if i got half of retail. .Just on the new stuff that would be you think that is realistic?...i have a local flea market or ebay...which do u think would produce the better profit...any info is appreciated...thx

Yep, if you got half of would have your expenses covered....and you might have more in the locker than you know.

I would try both flea and eBay. That's what I do. You can always put something on eBay (with its bigger audience) and see if it sells. If it doesn't take it to the flea. Don't be in a hurry to sell. You can ride out that $400 probably without too much trouble. The idea of course is to make a profit, not break even.

I bought a locker last August and just today sold an old blanket chest (somewhat ornate). That's something like 6 months or so ago. I tried it on eBay at $100 for local pickup and got no response. It sat for awhile and I have been running it on Clist for a month or so (with weekly updates to keep the date fresher). It sold for the $50 I was asking, and that $50 is all profit as the locker was long ago paid off (and did about 8.75x the money).  For a look at that locker, look at the Jackpot! Jackpot in the safe ? thread which is a sticky under the stories category on this forum.

Good job...keep it up !

Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2012, 07:28:00 AM »
Gratz bogeyman on a great locker.  If it's action figures, matchbox cars, or any of the other collectible toys I would first try e-bay like Movieman said.  Even after fee's you can normally make more money with ebay then at the flea market.  People shop at the flea looking for good discounts or dirt cheap items.

For myself profit wise I sell:


Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2012, 09:06:47 PM »

Ebay~highest bang for the buck on certain items.  Vintage electronics continue to amaze me.  I've got a Heathkit Oscilloscope Calibrator that has had over 180 hits, 5 bids and 23 watchers!!!
Flea~turn and burn baby! Turn and burn!
Craigslist~for higher end (non-shippable) items.  It's been very slow for me lately, with only a few 'buyers'.

Congrats bogeyman!  Sounds like a good locker to me.  Best of luck on the sales.
When researching listing prices for ebay don't forget to see 'realistic' prices by checking the completed listings.  It's one of the most valuable tools in the market~

Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2012, 11:35:46 PM »
After 3 nights of sifting thru..pulling trash..scanning barcodes on new items..estimating on misc. dollar here dollar there items..if i figure 40% on new toys. ..I estimated the value at aproximately 950.00!!!. Now the task of getting it question...i have some video game cases with the manuals but no games in them. I called a place called gamestop to see if they would be interested but they dont sell their games with the cases...any ideas as to how i should get rid of them or should i just toss them...they are not figured into any value yet.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2012, 05:55:38 AM »
Sounds great.

On the game thing could list on ebay as a lot and see what happens. Sold some games and people wanted the manuals. So feel there is a market.

We picked up a box of pin stripping (over 50pcs. of slightly used boxes, some new) maybe cost .10 was in a lot. Tried ebay no sale, sold a few at yard and flea for $1.00- .50 each. Took back to the auction we got them from sold for $10.00.  ::).  So moral is try a couple different avenues for selling.

Good Luck and keep us posted on the final out come.

Offline Cobia

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Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2012, 07:31:54 AM »
After 3 nights of sifting thru..pulling trash..scanning barcodes on new items..estimating on misc. dollar here dollar there items..if i figure 40% on new toys. ..I estimated the value at aproximately 950.00!!!. Now the task of getting it question...i have some video game cases with the manuals but no games in them. I called a place called gamestop to see if they would be interested but they dont sell their games with the cases...any ideas as to how i should get rid of them or should i just toss them...they are not figured into any value yet.

Empty video game and DVD cases sell pretty good in lots on Ebay. You need atleast 10 cases and upwards of 20 or more to really get high enough bids to make it worth your time to list, pack, & ship them.

Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2012, 03:32:50 PM »
Thanks Cobia....i may try that!!

Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2012, 10:07:41 PM »
I have found that ebay is quite good...i have just a few items listed..have sold two in the last two days for about 50.00...and have three more items that are currently being watched...thanks for all the valuable info and suggestions...

Offline money4nothing

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Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2012, 05:51:26 AM »
Great Bogeyman heading to the profit zone  ;)

Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2012, 08:21:33 AM »
Ebay can be your friend to move some of your smalls at a higher price point.  Just have to live with all the fee's and other hassles.  Is worth it IMO.

Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2012, 02:27:56 PM »
I love far 4 items sold...Net ROI is 28%....still have about 50 items for ebay and a weekends worth of flea mrkt sale stuff.
Sold 2 Hotwheels accessories for 65.00
Sold 1 pc game for 15.00
Sold 2 used nintendo gameboys w/ missing battery covers for 35.00

Here's hoping things continue on the way they have started!!!


Re: scored my first locker
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2012, 05:04:45 PM »
Sold 2 used nintendo gameboys w/ missing battery covers for 35.00

I sold a BROKEN Nintendo and was astonished when the bidding war ensued.  Yeah me!
I hope your sales continue~

small locker but scored a little

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