Storage Auctions

Starting small with first unit

Starting small with first unit
« on: October 28, 2011, 10:06:08 PM »
I went on a 5 facility caravan today and bought my first unit at the 2nd facility.  It didn't have a lot in it.  Couple of file cabinets, huge, cheap stuffed animals, barbells, misc junk.  The bidding started at $5 and I was the third bid at $15.  I won it for $15.  After the last unit of that facility, I took a quick look in the unit.  The finds were in the drawers in one of the file cabinets.  The previous owner must have either owned a business or been a sales rep for a tool outfit.  I found a bunch of catalogs from a tool company.  The file cabinets were mostly full of his personal/business financial paperwork.

But, in the backs of the file cabinet drawers, I found a bunch of old baseballs.  One is signed by Larry Doby, others the sigs are tough to make out so they probably aren't worth much.  One is in a clear plastic holder but I can't make out the signature (messy, not fading).  I'll take them all in to a sports memorabilia shop to have them appraised.

Other than that, I found some high quality concrete drill bits, some knives, miscellaneous small tools, a letter jacket and letter sweater from 1964, some miscellaneous office supplies, stack of decade-old Playboys, and a whole pile of stuff that I'm going to donate to Salvation Army or find a dumpster somewhere.

Overall, it was fun to finally score a unit, dig through the boxes and bags, and find what could be some money-making baseballs.  It was well worth the $15 I spent on it.

Re: Starting small with first unit
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2011, 01:43:53 AM »
Nice deal for a first unit!  :o Can't wait to hear how much they appraise for!

Re: Starting small with first unit
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2011, 09:21:39 PM »
Awesome!! Keep us in the loop when you find out.

Small unit, nice find...

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